Ambushed by Pirates

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There must be a beginning of any great matter, but the continuing unto the end until it be thoroughly finished yields the true glory.

-Sir Francis Drake, 1587

"I'm here off the coast of Panama, where we've just recovered what we believe to be the coffin of legendary explorer, Sir Francis Drake, who was buried at sea over 400 years ago", the journalist, Elena Fisher stated as she recorded everything on camera as a man began to pry the coffin open, "are you sure you wanna be defiling your ancestors remains like that",

"You make it sound so dirty", Explorer, Nathan Drake stated with a laugh

"I thought you didn't believe us", a woman, Ella Davis added as she began to help Nate pry the coffin open

"Well, I did do my research and apparently, Francis Drake didn't have any children", Elena stated, still recording everything

"History can be wrong", Ella said

"She's right, for example, you can't defile an empty coffin", Nate stated as he pulled the coffin lid opened revealing nothing inside, only a metal box

"Is that what I think it is", Ella asked

"One way to find out", Nate mumbled as he opened the box, inside was Sir Francis Drake's diary "you devil",

"What is it, come on, hold it up", Elena stated

"No, no, no, no way, the deal was for the coffin, that's it", Nate stated as well, pushing the camera away

"Wait a minute, if my show hadn't funded this expedition, you both wouldn't've...", Elena began

"Hey, hey, you got your story, lady", Nate interrupted

"Look, Mr. Drake, you and Ms. Davis signed a contract, I have a right to see every single thing that...", Elena explained but was interrupted by Nate once again

"Could you hold that thought", Nate asked as he walked over towards some crates, and grabbed a radio "Sully, uh, we got some trouble, hurry it up",

"Okay, okay, what's going on", Elena asked

"Pirates", Ella said, grabbing a metal briefcase and placing it down on some crates that were around the boat, Nate soon joining her

"Pirates", Elena said, not believing in what they were saying

"Yeah, the modern kind, they don't take prisoners... least not male prisoners", Nate explained grabbing a pistol and loading it with bullets

"Wait, what are you talking about", Elena asked, looking out at the sea as she then noticed many boats approaching, "uh, sh-shouldn't we call the authorities or something",

"Great idea, but we don't exactly have a permit to be here", Nate stated

"What", Elena said, her voice sounding angry

"Yeah, so unless you wanna end up in a Panamanian jail, we should probably handle this ourselves", Ella stated

"Wh-what's worse", Elena asked

"You obviously haven't been in a Panamanian jail", Nate said

"It's not good", Ella added

"Do you know how to use one of these", Nate asked, handing Elena a gun

"Uh, yeah, it's like a camera... you just point and shoot, right", Elena stated, taking the gun from Nate

"Good girl", Nate said, grabbing a gun from Ella's hand, "here we go",

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