The Search

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After leaving the boat behind, Nate, Ella, and Sully began treading forward on foot, through the jungle, climbing up steep hills and going through narrow passages that the trees had given them; Nate and Ella were excited to see what was up ahead and were treading fast, Sully ended up stopping, putting his hands on his knees and panting.

"Hold on, hold on, kids, I'm not as young as I used to be", Sully stated, catching his breath

"You weren't too old for that little barmaid in Lima, were you", Ella asked

"Well, that was different, although I must admit, equally as strenuous", Sully said

"Well, hang in there, old timer, we're just about there", Nate stated as the three continued forward

"Y'know, this reminds me, I ever tell you about the time I pawned a phony 16th-century santo off on Pablo Escobar, ah, risky move, but by the time he figured it out, I was-", Sully stated, but stopped, "are you two even listening to me",

"Hanging on every word", Nate said

"Ah, why waste my breath", Sully mumbled to himself before he called out to Nate and Ella, "you really think Francis Drake came all the way up here, huh, we're an awful long way from England... well",

"I don't get it... according to this, we're right on top of the mark", Ella stated, showing Nate and Sully the device in her hand

"Maybe you're not reading that thing right, let me see it", Sully asked as Ella handed him the device, Nate took a look as the device was handed to Sully

"No, this is the place", Nate stated

"There's nothing here, Nate, another goddamn dead end", Sully stated as well

"Easy Sully, just relax, let's take a look around", Nate said as the three ran forward, searching around for any clues, until they all stumbled upon ruins

"Well, now this is more like it", Sully stated, "what do you think this is, Incan",

"No, it's older than that, possibly two thousand years older", Ella stated, looking around, Nate began climbing up to get a good look at the place, eventually finding a secret spot and breaking it open; as Nate dropped down to the ground, the three ventured forward into the underground part of the ruins

"What a warm and homey place, huh", Sully asked

"Not quite what you were expecting, huh", Nate asked as well

"Yeah, where's all the damn gold", Sully asked once again

"Maybe further in", Ella said looking around

"Probably, looks like this place was picked clean centuries ago", Nate stated, observing the walls of the ruins

"No-good limey pirate", Sully grumbled

"No, it wasn't Drake, check this out", Nate stated, holding a rusted helmet

"The Spanish got here before Drake did", Ella asked as then Sully threw the helmet away in anger

"What the hell, Sully", Nate said

"Nate, I'm not looking for a lousy piece of tin, I'm up to my eyeballs in debt", Sully shouted, after a few seconds, he calmed down and sat down on a piece of rubble, "I was really looking forward to this one",

"Too many big bar tabs in Lima, I guess", Nate asked

"That, and well, just a few bad deals", Sully said

"Well, it seems the Spaniards left a lot of things behind", Ella stated as everyone looked around, there were some more rusted helmets, alongside some rusty swords on the ground, and barrels of gunpowder; Nate took out his pistol and shot a barrel, which caused it to explode and send a statue down, acting as a bridge to get to the other side; soon reaching a stone door, Nate pulled the chain causing the door to open upward, however, as he let go, the door began to close, Sully took it upon himself to hold the chain as Nate and Ella ran through, Nate found a cart and pushed it to the door, as it was down, Sully let go of the chain and ran towards the door, as he made it to the other side, the cart gave weigh and was crushed

Uncharted, The Search for El DoradoWhere stories live. Discover now