The Real Treasure

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Young Ella ran across the rooftops, holding her bag tight; Ella had stolen some food, unfortunately, she arrived a bit late which to her wasn't a huge problem, but something happened nearby which caused the vendor to catch her stealing; now here she was, on the rooftops, the vendor shouts going away in the distance, yet, Ella kept running, not taking any chances, she leapt over roofs attempting to make it back to where she was staying; however, she ended up losing her footing and fell down, hitting her head in the process.

"Ow... why is it that after one heist I'm banging my head on things", Ella asked herself with a sigh, "it's never happened before",

"You ok", a voice asked, Ella turned her head to see Nate walking up to her, he held out his hand and helped her up off the ground.

"Yeah, I'm fine, can't say anything about my head though", Ella stated with a laugh, "what're you doing out here",

"Well, I saw someone sneak out, so I decided to tag along, but you already got the job done", Nate stated

"Eh... not yet, we still have to make it back to Sully's", Ella said

"Then let's go", Nate said

"Wait... you're forgetting something", Ella called out, making Nate stop and turn his head towards Ella; Ella held out her hand, revealing Drake's ring; Nate quickly felt around his neck, then looked back at Ella

"Really... alright, give it back, and how are you doing that", Nate asked

"All in time, one day, you shall know my secrets by learning them yourself", Ella stated, mimicking a kung-Fu master's voice

"Fine then... now, will you give the ring back", Nate asked once again

"Tempting... race you back to Sully's", Ella said, putting the ring around her neck and sprinted off; Nate laughed and began chasing after Ella, the two laughing as they ran across the rooftops; as the two neared Sully's, Nate tackled Ella on the rooftop.

"No fair", Ella said while laughing

"Well, looks like we both win this race", Nate stated, both laying down next to each other on the rooftop, observing the starry-night sky.

"Here, you know I always give it back", Ella said, handing the ring back to Nate who put it around his neck,

"Thanks", Nate said

"So... where do you think we're gonna go tomorrow, beings were leaving this place", Ella asked

"...I don't know, what do you think", Nate asked

"Same here", Ella responded

"Hey, El, can I ask you something", Nate asked

"You just did", Ella teased, making Nate laugh

"Now that we're with Sully, do you think that... we'll still be by each other's side", Nate asked

"I think so, I mean, we do great as a team and all; but who knows what the future has in store for us, hopefully we keep our team", Ella stated which made Nate smile and both continued looking at the sky.

(Flashback End)

"Ella, El, wake up", Nate said, lightly shaking Ella, causing said female to groan and open her eyes; as she sat up, she held the back of her head

"My head's killing me", Ella muttered

"You ok", Nate asked, concerned

"I'm fine, just a headache, but I'll be ok", Ella said

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