Through The Drowned City and Customs House

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"There's too many of them", Elena shouted, shooting at the mercenaries

"True, these guys don't know when to quit, but they're mercenaries", Ella stated

"Just keep moving", Nate shouted as the three ran forward through the entrance of an old city, luckily enough, there was a jet ski waiting in the water.

"This was a big mistake", Nate stated

"No kidding, I should've turned before the bridge", Elena said with a laugh

"That's very funny", Nate said, not amused

"Oh, c'mere a minute, I wanna show you guys something", Elena said pulling out her camera and turning it on

"That thing still works", Ella asked

"Uh-huh", check this out", Elea said as the two watched from the camera's mini screen, revealing a building with sunken ships outside "okay, see this building in the harbor, that's where all the boats coming into the colony would've unloaded their cargo",

"So that's what you saw back in Drake's tower", Ella said as Elena nodded her head

"So, if El Dorado treasure came to this island, it would've had to come through there", Elena stated

"Wait a minute, what was that", Nate asked as Elena rewound the video, later pausing it, revealing a boat, a modern one, in the harbor of the building, "that's our ticket outta here, come on",

"Our ticket outta here, you're giving up", Elena asked

"Maybe you hadn't noticed, but we're kinda outnumbered", Nate stated

"We're doing fine so far", Elena said

"Yeah, never stopped us either", Ella stated

"Guys, I don't need your bullet-riddled corpses on my conscience, let's go", Nate stated once again

"Oh please, you quit if you want to, but don't use Ella or I as an excuse", Elena said

"Fine, it's me, okay, I am quitting, are you guys coming or not", Nate shouted

"Nate, calm down", Ella shouted

"So, that's it, you're just gonna forget about the treasure, and forget about Drake", Elena asked in anger

"GUYS... look... Nate's right, this isn't worth dying over, our luck could run out; yet Nate and I have been outnumbered numerous times", Ella explained, "however, we still have to head back to the harbor",

"Ella's right, we can all argue about it later, it'll be great", Elena said walking towards the jet ski, Ella following her side-by-side

"Wait... this time, I drive", Nate stated, walking towards the jet ski; as the three climbed on, they began traversing through the underwater city; Eddy's mercenaries were around the area, as well as explosive barrels, causing them to stop and take care of them; not long after, the three made it to the custom's house, the harbor on the other side

"And we have arrived", Ella announced

"Now we just gotta find a way in", Nate said

"Y'know, I read a story once about a cursed Inca treasure... you don't suppose that-", Elena began

"Please don't tell me you believe in that stuff", Nate asked

"I'm just saying... something bad happened here, a whole colony doesn't just up and vanish", Elena stated

"True, you remember our last adventure; although no curses were there, you have to admit that it was strange like this", Ella stated as well, however, Nate stayed silent, knowing that Ella was right, and just didn't want to start an argument; not long after Nate docked the jet ski, Elena however continued forward through the water with the jet ski while Nate and Ella continued forward on foot; although Eddy's mercenaries began to swarm Nate and Ella, however, the two shot their way through; eventually reaching the water once again, alongside a giant gate which Nate opened up, not long after, Elena drove up to them

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