Finding Sir Francis Drake

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"Well, there's no way but forward", Nate said as the three pressed on, looking for a way out, or finding El Dorado, coming out of a tunnel, the three found a huge open space, filled with many walkways.

"What is this place", Elena asked

"A really elaborate way to hide the damn treasure", Nate stated, annoyed with the room

"Well, you can't really blame them, if I had to hide my treasure, you'd come across puzzle after puzzle", Ella stated as the three approached a pathway, both leading towards opposite directions

"Now where do we go", Elena asked, looking around, both Nate and Ella saw numbers on the floor

"Nate, can I see the map real quick, I remember seeing something like this on it", Ella asked

"Me too", Nate said, pulling out the map, on the top right corner, numbers two, five, and seven, in roman numerals, looking at the number on the ground near Ella, a number matched

"Two, five, and seven is marked, if we follow the numbers, it'll lead us to the treasure... hopefully", Nate stated as the three ran down the path marked with the five roman numeral, any number that was on the map was the direction that they would go on; any other numbers, the three would ignore; after a long wild goose chase, the three reached another room, following the numbers, an explosion rang out, alerting the three, once the smoke cleared, the three saw Eddy.

"Hey, bule, last man alive gets the gold, you lose", Eddy called out with a laugh as he began walking away, "kill them",

"This just keeps getting better and better", Nate grumbled as he quickly took cover and began shooting at Eddy's goons

"We're sitting ducks here, we gotta keep moving", Ella stated as Nate nodded his head, the three began moving forward once again, keeping an eye out for Eddy's goons; climbing up a wooden spiral staircase, the three finally made it to what they believed to be the treasure room

"There's nothing here", Elena said

"This is getting so old", Nate groaned

"Nate... come look at this", Ella asked, Nate looked in her direction, only to see a skeletal body, it's face seemed to be frozen in fear

"Nate", Elena called out as Nate knelt down in front of the body to get a closer look, Ella and Elena standing right behind him

"Is it who we think it is", Ella asked as Nate nodded his head

"It's Drake... he never found it, he just... died here", Nate stated, fiddling with his ring before pulling it off of his neck, looking at the engraving written on the ring

"So much for "greatness", wasted his life... for nothing", Nate stated once again, dropping the ring by Drake's body; their moment of silence was cut off by Eddy's goons shouting

"Nate, are you ready to get moving", Elena asked as Nate got up off the ground

"Yeah... more than ever", Nate said, taking one last look at Drake's body, then walking away to find a way out, seeing a broken ladder, Nate called Elena over and gave her a boost up

"See anything up there", Ella asked

"Looks like an old hoist or something, there's a rope, I'll try to lower it down to you guys... there's also a tunnel, we can get out this way", Elena called out, a second later, another explosion rang out; both Nate and Ella quickly drew their pistols and turned to the side to see Eddy and one of his goons backing up towards them

"Hello, boys", Nate greeted, making the two jump and point their guns at Nate

"Easy, Eddy, easy", Nate said, not long after, a sound was heard; it seemed as if someone was shouting yet it didn't sound human.

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