The Island Fortress

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"Just my luck", Ella said, she had opened her eyes to an upside down jungle, her parachute had got stuck in a tree and she somehow got upside down after landing; gripping at the parachutes straps, Ella released the strap, disconnecting herself from the parachute, she slid out and quickly grabbed the strap with her other hand; as soon as she was steady enough, she let go, and landed on the ground; looking around, she was by herself, however, black smoke could be seen, and for Ella, it was close by.

"Let's see, people trying to kill us, nothing new; Nate and Elena are missing, hopefully not dead; great... time to find either Nate or Elena", Ella said with a sigh as she began walking forward, the plane wreckage wasn't too far from where she landed, yet, there were many armed goons near the crash site, from the looks of it, they weren't Roman's men; unfortunately for Ella, one of the goons spotted her and began shooting at her; quickly diving into cover, Ella pulled out her pistol and began firing at the goons, as more goons came in, Ella kept firing, only exiting her cover to either grab another gun or to get more ammo; once all the goons were dead, Ella walked out of cover and towards the plane, a rope was attached to the large opening in the plane; wasting no time Ella climbed up the rope and walked into what remained of the plane, no one was in the plane, yet, nothing seemed to be taken, however, Ella noticed the map.

"Really Nate", Ella muttered, grabbing the map, as she began to leave, she noticed a parachute, on a tower at what appeared to be a fortress, "either Nate's or Elena's, hopefully they're ok",

Exiting the remains of the plane, Ella ran towards the fortress, having to take the scenic route, Ella had to climb around cliffs that were mostly not sturdy enough and avoid swinging spike traps at the same time; not long after, she made it to the fortress, it was tall, looking around, climbing seemed to be her only way in, yet Ella knew that one mistake could lead to her death, taking in a deep breath, Ella began to scale the fortress' walls, after awhile, Ella made it inside, sitting down to take a small break, unfortunately, her small break was soon interrupted when a noise was heard from the fortress walls she previously climbed; wasting no time, Ella got up and ran towards the next area, hiding behind the doorway for cover, gun out and ready; Ella heard someone climb into the area she was once in, hearing footsteps approach the area she was hiding in, without a second thought, Ella jumped out, gun pointed out, however, the gun was soon pushed away.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm not a goon", Nate stated in panic

"Nate... you couldn't've said something when you came in... I could've shot you", Ella stated in anger, putting her gun away

"Sorry, I didn't wanna alert anyone", Nate protested

"Alright, I'll give you that one, but anyway, how'd you get here that fast", Ella asked

"Well, after I jumped out of the plane, I realized I left the map in the plane", Nate stated

"I know, I found it", Ella said

"Anyway, after dealing with some goons, as you call them, I found your parachute, thought it was either yours or Elena's", Nate explained, "reached the plane, where I found no map but dead goons, and Elena's parachute here; continuing forward, more dead goons and the fortress, after climbing up the side, which I don't want to climb again, here I am with you, at gunpoint",

"Sorry about the gunpoint, but I thought Elena's parachute was either yours or hers, and I was hoping to find either of you along the way", Ella stated

"I'm glad you're okay", Nate said

"I'm glad you're okay as well", Ella said

"So... you love me", Nate asked with a smirk

"Ah... well... I... ugh, now's not a good time, we need to find Elena", Ella stuttered nervously, making Nate laugh, the two continued forward to reach a dead end, the way for them to continue forward, was to scale the wall once again

"Oh, you can't be serious", Nate muttered

"Come on, let's go", Ella said as she began scaling the wall once again, Nate soon following after

"Wasn't I just out here", Nate asked

"Yes, but on another side", Ella said

"Not helping", Nate shouted as the two continued upward, soon reaching a barred window; grabbing onto a sturdy vine, both Nate and Ella busted through and into a new part of the fortress

"Let's just hope that's the last of that", Ella stated as Nate nodded his head walking forward, they were immediately spotted by more goons, which the two dealt with as quickly as possible; reaching a tower, both Nate and Ella found Elena's parachute, but Elena was missing

"No sign of her", Nate said

"Either good news, she made it out and is somewhere safe, or bad news, she is either captured or killed, I'm leaning towards the good news", Ella stated

"Come on, we may find something leading to her whereabouts further in, let's go", Nate said as the two continued further in; using their pistols for a zipline, Nate and Ella dropped down into a guard tower, there they saw Elena in the fortress, recording with her camera

"What's she doing", Ella asked as then a radio turned on

"Ha-low", the voice said, Nate looked over at the gate and back to the radio

"Buka pintu", Nate said through the radio, unsure about the outcome

"Siapa ini, bicara sekarang", the voice said

"Ah, crap", Nate muttered, before shouting, "Sialan lo, Cepatan, Buka pintu",

"Ah, tai", the voice said as then the gate opened

"It worked", Nate said with a laugh, only for armed goons to run out

"You were saying", Ella asked

"Come on", Nate shouted, running out of the guard tower and began shooting at the goons, Ella joining in a second later; once all the goons were gone, the two continued forward into the fortress.

"Elena has to be somewhere around here", Ella stated

"Yeah, just keep your eyes peeled", Nate stated as Ella nodded as the two ran forward; unfortunately, neither found Elena, but they saw a tower, one that stood out.

"I think there was something about that tower on the map", Ella stated, pulling out the map

"Now what's so important about that tower", Nate asked looking at the map, there was a tower mark on the bottom right corner of the map, with two keys shaping an x right beside it; before either Nate or Ella could question it, a bullet flew past them, as more armed goons ran out; once all the goons were dealt with, Nate opened a way forward to reach the top of the tower, Ella quickly climbed up the tower, most of the handholds she had used, falling right after she reached the next one; not long after, Ella was in the tower, there she saw a skeleton, in his hand was keys.

"Sorry", Ella muttered, grabbing the keys out of the skeleton's hands then climbing down the tower where Nate helped her down, running back in the area Nate opened; the two came across a door with a symbol two keys shaping an x on top, using the keys from the tower, the door opened into a dungeon-like area, there was still no sign of Elena anywhere; yet, the two came across a room, on the table were rusted swords, helmets, and guns.

"Wait... these aren't Spanish, they're English", Nate stated

"Nate, look at this", Ella said as Nate walked over to Ella, who was looking at a wall with carvings and a message... "Fletcher, we have gone to the great tower, I pray that you will meet us there, Francis Drake",

"So, you made it... but what were you plotting", Nate asked as the two ran out of the room, heading upstairs and towards the outside where they then saw the great tower, mentioned in Sir Francis Drake's message

"That must be Drake's tower", Nate muttered

"It matches what we saw in the room below, you ready", Ella asked

"Let's go", Nate said as the two ran off towards Drake's tower.

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