Roman and Navarro

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Jumping in the water, Nate and Ella swam towards the U-boat, unfortunately, there was no way inside for either of them; swimming further, the two swam through a waterfall which revealed a path for them to climb up onto the cliffside and towards the top of the U-boat,

"Watch yourselves up there, it's a long way down", Sully stated through the radio

"Copy that", Ella said as the two continued forward, after awhile, they neared the U-boat, not long after dropping down on the top

"Nate, when was your last tetanus shot", Sully shouted

"Oh, that's funny", Nate said with sarcasm

"By looking at this, it feels like I need another", Ella stated

"Come on, there's a way in through here", Nate said as he climbed down inside, Ella following in after him

"Okay, we're in", Nate said through the radio

"Whaddya see", Sully asked

"Rusted parts, cobwebs, spiderwebs, and bodies", Ella said

"Something nasty happened to these guys, there's blood everywhere, and soup", Nate stated

"What", Sully asked in confusion, but Nate and Ella pressed on; further into the U-boat, later coming across a body in the middle of a doorway, Nate carefully moved the body out of the way and gold coins fell out of the corpses pocket

"What do we have here" Ella muttered, picking up a coin

"Huh, now where did you get this my decomposing friend", Nate asked rhetorically as the two entered what seemed to be of the captain's quarters

"I think the trail just got warm again", Nate stated

"How so", Sully asked through the radio

"Just met a guy with pockets full of Spanish gold, only the coins are stamped with a mint mark I've never seen before", Nate explained

"You're kidding me", Sully said

"Looks like our German friends had a little secret", Ella stated, looking around the room, Nate opened up a curtain revealing the captain, who was still there, and decomposing like the other corpses

"We're in the captain's quarters, and get this, he's still here", Nate stated

"What's that supposed to mean", Sully asked

"Looks like he was killed, ripped to shreds, actually, what a way to go", Nate said

"I'm not sure what did it, but what happened to the captain, happened to the crew too", Ella added

"Sounds terrible... check his wallet", Sully stated

"You're all heart, Sully", Nate said putting the radio away, then noticing a piece of paper in his hand

"Sorry", Ella muttered, pulling the captains hand away and grabbing the paper, opening it up, revealing a map of an island

"No way", Nate mumbled, clearing a desk for space as Ella put the map down beside another map, similar to the map the captain had, but with less information on it, however, Kriegsmarine coordinates UK 2642 was on the top right corner of the map

"You find anything", Sully asked, but was ignored as Nate saw the Kriegsmarine map on the wall

"El, help me look for UK 2642", Nate asked as the two looked at the map

"Found it", Ella stated, pointing at the spot, both sharing a laugh knowing that they were one step closer to finding the treasure

"Are you two alright", Sully asked once again

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