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Naruto woke in a rush thinking he was late. After checking the time he found it was only six in the morning. Quickly getting up and doing his morning routine, he grabbed his bag he put together and quickly left to get to the training ground on time.
Quickly taking to the roofs he passed many barely opening stores and sleep idled civilians. Making his way on to the training grounds he found Sasuke to already be there. "Sasuke!" He chirped, happy he wasn't the only one there. "How was your night?" He only got a grunt in reply. "I spent mine packing things we might need. Like what little bandages I have and stuff like that."
The tired Uchiha blinked, "Why did you bring medical supplies?"
"It's survival training right?" The blonde bounced a little on the small red bridge they were on, making it slightly move. "Well we are going to get hurt and as much as I think we can take him, our teacher is still a Jounin. So he has to be strong right. Or at least that's what Jiji says they are supposed to be." The dark haired male nods in a reluctant tiredness. "Oh! Did you eat?"
"Our teacher said not to," Sasuke muttered to shocked to keep quiet.
Idiot boy. Tell him you need to have food in your system if you are going to puke. Puking is not good, but it's better to puke something up then nothing at all. Naruto did and laughed at his teammate's shocked expression. "I'm not that dumb." The teen joked. Even if he felt he was most days.
"Sasuke," A female voice called out. "How was your night Sasuke?" This time he was ready and only grunted at all of her questions. "Why do you have such a large bag, Naruto? This isn't an over night thing."
"I am just trying to be prepared," the blonde muttered. "I'm just following advice I was given." Even if that advice wasn't given by a physical bodied person. Who happens to be in my head. He just deflated as his female team member scolded him about wasting everyone's time with stupid things.
Just ignore her kit. Start stretching. I have no idea when your teacher is going to show up, given yesterday, but better to be limber and warmed up before he shows. Maybe practice some punches and kicks on those wooden poles over there. Just don't over do it. Hai.
Doing as was suggested he started stretching in order to loosen up his muscles. Even with advanced healing he noticed he has, a torn muscle is still a torn muscle. Soon he was practicing on the wooden poles and ignoring the grumbles of his teammates. If they wanted to get hurt then it wasn't his fault.
After an hour of different exercises he did some cool down ones while his teammates watched and judged. He had tuned them out after ten minutes in to his exercises, so he wasn't paying them any attention. He then took out a book he had gotten from Iruka, their academy teacher, about yoga. It was given to him as a way to "relax his brain", or what not.
"This one is a beginning one so it shouldn't be to hard," he muttered to himself. Ten minutes later he took it back. "Okay. Not easy. Not easy at all. This book lied."
"Yo!" A puff of smoke near the wooden poles caused the students to jump.
"You're late!" Sakura yelled.
"Hey sensei how do you do this pose?" The blonde asked ignoring his team. The silver haired ninja just blinked. "Cuz I can't figure out how to balance it right I guess." It doesn't say how to balance. Which is dumb. Maybe this isn't a beginner book like we were told.
Kakashi just eye smiled and told him to do that later. "Now for the test." A pair of bells were held up for the three genin to see. "It's your job to take these from me."
"But why is there only two," Sakura asked helpfully.
"Because whoever doesn't get one, will be tied to one of these poles and sent back to the academy. In other words they will fail." A light lit in the younger ninja's eyes. "Come at me with intent to kill. You have until this timer goes off at twelve," he pulls a clock out of his hip bag and sets it on the middle pole. "Begin."
Naruto quickly hid with his bag in tow. Note to self. Minimize bag and useless supplies. Good thinking Kit. He watched as best he could as his male teammate attack their sensei. It was surprisingly going well, for a beginner. Or at least the commentary going off in Naruto's brain helpfully supplied. "Go find the pink haired one. Work together at getting that bell. I demand a bell before that noise maker goes off."
The twelve year old only suppressed a quiet giggle and went to find his teammate. After dropping most of the stuff he didn't need at the bottom of the tree he was in. That's when he saw it. Just sitting there, perfect and alone.
The sudden quietness in Naruto's head caused him to look around in fear. In doing so he caught a glimpse of rope and ninja wire. In probably his smartest move he had ever done, was glare at the innocent bell and walked away.
"Stupid bell. Causing me problems already and I haven't even found Sasuke or Sakura yet," he huffed as he tried not to stomp off in anger. The slight ringing of said innocent bell had him turning back to face it in fear. "Shit. Uh.... Hi?" The teen only held his tinny bag of supplies to his chest as his teacher stalked closer. "Never mind. Bye!!!"
Kakashi watched as he left. He was confused and startled. The boy spoke of finding his teammates, all while leaving the bell where he, Kakashi, had placed it. This was not what was written in his notes he was given on each child. So far the other two fit in with what was written or implied. But this was not a loudmouth, lazy, idiot of a child. This was a child holding medical supplies and ran from what was clearly a too dangerous situation.
Naruto rushed away and used his clones to make his trail harder to follow. He came across Sasuke first. Or his head at least. Having lived in a ninja heaven area for most of his life he sadly knows, accidentally, what a dead head looks like.
"Teme!" He rushes and grabbed a small still useable shovel that he had grabbed from a trash can, in case they had any missions after this test was his thoughts that morning. With said shovel he started to dig his teammate out of the ground.
"I don't need your help Dobe," the Uchiha growled at the blonde. He didn't want it despite the pressure on his chest starting to get a tad to snug for his comfort level.
"No. I've seen what happens to people who get stuck like this," the blonde whispered. Remembering things he wished he never saw. "It's... not pretty. So please let me at least get you out before you run off again." The teen stuck in the ground was quiet as his teammate worked on getting him out. "I wish I knew how to mold my chakra better. If I did I would just use it to help soften the ground." The teen was muttering in his anxiety. "Just the right vibration and it comes loose. Like the sand in those fancy glass containers."
"Kit stop talking you're breaking him." Blue eyes widen in fear as he nearly bit his tongue to stop his rambles. "You're fine Kit. Just. Relax. You found one. Go find the other once you get him out of there." Right.

-oh sugar honey iced tea. This took forever to find a right spot to end the chapter. Good grief. Well hope you like it. Yes I know Naru isn't close to cannon. 1- it's my story my version of the characters. 2- the character write themselves and they say hidden smart Naru does things to show he is smart since he is on a team not and Lord Third says teams are your family.

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