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Naruto knew he was confusing. He had at least three different masks to keep up with and almost no time to be his real self. Not to mention the person who lives in his head with him. And the best part is, as far as he could tell/look up, the person isn't a DID; or a multiple personality disorder, properly called Dissociative Identity Disorder. Then again he is, as his class calls him, a dobe.
An idiot. That is what the small blue eyed, blonde haired, almost orange, but barely not making it, tan skin boy thought he was. A child that learns better hands on. Was an idiot for not being able to sit still. Though if you watched the older population of ninja in Konoha you would see they can't either. But the here and now he was to stupid to sit still, to stupid to learn, to stupid to die properly.
"Naruto?" Iruka, The chunin teacher in charge of Naruto's class called out worried. "Are you okay?"
"Tell him you're fine," the person whispered.
"I'm fine, Iruka-Sensei!" He chirped as hyper as he never seemed to not be. Mask one in place. "I guess I just zoned out." Mask two the loud idiot. "I'll try better next time. I will be Hokage!" Mask three.
"That's good to hear but do pay attention," The chunin chuckled. "I released the class for lunch ten minutes ago."
'Crap,' The ninja-in-training flinched. "Just trying to figure all this stuff out," he held up a paper. It was a test Iruka had given back so the children could see their results for that week. "It's all gibberish." The chunin chuckled and told him his joke was good, but he needed to reread a certain chapter in a his text book to find the answers. "Hai Sensei." He saluted and quickly left for food.
   Naruto sighed as he sat on the abandoned school swing. He didn't have money for food since rent was due, but that wasn't out of the ordinary. Being forced to pay double, if not triple, for everything was normal for him. He thought it was just a part of the taxes on the items. Or at least he has fooled himself into thinking that. Better that then making a fuss and getting hurt for it.
   Soon it was time for the second half of the school day. Naruto just stared at the words he was supposed to be reading, since Iruka ordered they read four chapters from their history book. But it just didn't make sense. The letters didn't stay the same as they should, but even with his messed up chakra control, knows there wasn't an illusion on it since Sasuke Uchiha could have gotten it instead of him. None of the books were assigned to a person, so there had to be something wrong with him right?
   "Don't worry," the person sighed. "I'll help you."
   'Thank you.'

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