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   It was the day of the graduation exam. Natuto, under the guidance of the third hokage was slowly, but surely was able to make less and less copies of himself. It was still way more then 10, but less. Naruto was jumpy as the tests were handed out. His, since he chose the front instead of the back, was the first handed out. He looked at it like it would explode if he breathed wrong.

"Uh,"Shikamaru grumbled from the back. "I was given the wrong test." He waited till the test was in the judges' hands before letting his head fall on the desk with a loud THUMP!

   "So it is," Mizuki, the silver haired Chunin grunted. The hatred breathed into words caught the other judges attention. "Here is the correct test." He switched the test out with a correct paper. Naruto grabbed his quickly since this proved he didn't get the wrong, or tampered with test.

   "Good job brat," the voice said as he quickly read off the first question. Waited for Naruto to answer without help, or prompting. Then the next. And the next. Till the paper was finished and turned over and hidden under another random paper. Soon the test was handed in for grading and the students were taken outside.

   "I am changing the test this year," the Hokage smiled at the students. "My ANBU will be helping." The silence held a bit of fear. "Now, now. You are all going to hide in the surrounding area. Once you are found you are going to brought back here. In two hours the time is up and anyone not found has seven minutes to be back or fail." Everyone but Naruto thought it was a good test.

   "Hokage-sama," Sakura, in all her pink glory. "Who are the ANBU so we know who is looking for us?" Naruto didn't wait for the answer. He quickly fled.

   'Nonononono,' he dodged around the civilians shopping. 'The whole ANBU are hunting us.'  Even a nervous chuckle left the voice in his head. 'Hide. Hide? I'm an idiot.' Naruto back tracked after taking his jacket off and stashing it in a tree. Then he jumped into the river near by and swam for a bit. In order to hide he had to use everything he knew. Including the traps he set up in the forest. Before he perfected them. These ninja were the best of the best. They wouldn't die from them. Probably. Most likely. Hopefully.

   He kept time as he watched ANBU go by with his classmates as the two hour time limit came closer. It wasn't until he saw a beetle that he knew he was doomed. "Aw come on!" He didn't try to move as the ANBU in question landed in front of him. "I'm not stupid," he muttered. "I know I'm surrounded. Shino liked to use it when we were younger." He was taken back to the school training field to only see a disgruntled Sasuke trying to fight out of an ANBU's hold.

   "You know you're never going to get out of it," Shikamaru grumbled at the fighting raven. "I'm surprised you were caught." Naruto shrugged. He didn't actually try to hard to hide, despise everything he had done/ set up. "The ditching of the coat was a good one. It fooled me for a second."

   "Had to ditch my most noticeable item. It wasn't until the bugs found me," Sasuke bits in with swearing. "I was watching most of you fail. You were caught just before me."

   An hour and 40 minutes. Well done," Shino nodded his head in acknowledgment. Since he was the winner.

   Soon they were called into to finish the test. As predicted it was the clone test. They did it in alphabetical order so Naruto was near the last of the students to take this portion of the test.

"Shadow clone Jutsu!" He called out. Fifteen naruto's stood around in the small area. The hokage smiled and happily told him he passed. Even in Naruto's excitement he did not miss the angry scowl on his silver haired teacher's face. Nor the proud one of his favorite teacher's face. Quickly grabbing his head piece and a blue ribbon(?) he left.

~ hello! I'm back. I wrote a thing. It sucks. Don't worry I know. Hope you liked it though. Hope it isn't to scatter brained and makes sense. Also what the is the blue scarf/ribbon(so many wrong terms) called? Because I can't think of it and it bothers me.

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