The wedding part 2

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Derek pov

I was standing in the chapel next to the priest and Damian.

D-"So Derek how does it get married."

D-"Well I'm afraid and nervous that Midnight will say no."

D-"Come on bro she practically hugged you to death when you asked her that question."

D-"Your right so how do you-"

I was cut off when I heard the instruments playing the song Carolina chose for the wedding but anyways when we saw them coming we almost had a nosebleed from the beauty that was in front of us. Midnight was wearing a dress with gold vines and Carolina wore a dress with blue on it. They both carried white roses.  Me and Damian couldn't take our eyes out of our future wives. They  came to the front were we are. They smiled at us and we smiled and so we listened to the priest.

P-"Damian and Derek Hale do you take Mindnight and Carolina Wolfe to be your wives."

D and D-"Yes"

P-"And do you Carolina and Midnight Wolfe take Derek and Damian Hale to be your husbands"

M and C-"Yes"

P-"Ok then you may now kiss the bride."

Midnight came and kissed me and Carolina did the same to Damian. We came out of the church and we went to the carriage.

Carolina pov

We enjoyed the wedding and I was so happy I could die. Before the carriage left me and Midnight threw the boutique of flowers we had in our hands. We saw who caught it and it was two little girls we smiled. Damian told the man in the front to leave. We were so happy I could cry. We left to another place which was Paris. We enjoyed it there and we united bith our kingdoms and lived in harmony.

                     The End


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