Losing Family

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Two days later

M-"I can't believe I'm going to kill my own sister but I have to do it"

For this day I put on a white dress that was simple with a wild flower that had pearls hanging on it. It only grew in a few minutes. I thought that it had to do with my powers because lately the plants in the garden have grown faster lately ever since we got powers but I just ignored it. We had a law that my father set up a long time about if a person were to be killed we must do it in public for peoples entertainment and as much as I hate the law I know that have do it. I heard the trumpets playing and crowd cheering. I quickly left my room and rode the carriage that Damian, Derek, and Carolina were riding also. I saw many people cheering and the ones cheering the loudest were the young women. I could tell that they were happy Arlet was dying. I had heard rumors that Arlet would sleep with any handsome man she got her hands on. At first I thought of it as a rumor but now that I know of what evilness Arlet has I'm sure they aren't rumors. When we got to the center of the town we got off the carriage and they tied Arlet to a wooden pole. I got on top of a stage and asked Arlet if there was anything she wanted to say.

A-"Your nothing but a little brat who gets everything I hope one day you and your child die and"


Suddenly there was fire all over the pieces of wood and I stared at the guard and I saw that the torch wasn't still on and that's when I knew that my powers were acting up. I heard screaming and saw Arlet burning slowly each passing second and many people were watching in awe and every single second she was burning I kept getting nervous and felt like crying and the flames were getting bigger and bigger till then Derek was hugging me and that calmed me down a bit and the flames got smaller and smaller till they was no fire at all and we saw that the only thing left of Arlet was her bones. I told one of the guards to throw the remains in the sea. He did what I told him to do and I left ro thw castle holding Derek as if he was going to leave me because of the cruel thing I did to my own sister.

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