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6 months later

Carolina pov

It has been a while since Arlet's death. Midnight still hasn't forgetten of what she did but with Derek's support she has been able to forget except for the nightmare she keeps having where she is in Arlet's place and Arlet is laughing at her and saying that she was going to hell. She wakes up every night screaming to the top of her lungs. So I thought of a way to scare away the nightmare is by holding a costume party I'm sure Midnight will love it. I planned to do it today so I told every worker in the castle what to do and to not tell Midnight also I told the dress maker to make a silver gown with a wolf mask. I was going to my room till I saw the person I wanted to see.

C-"Hey Derek can I talk to you for a second.

D-"Sure Carolina what do you need?"

C-"Can you take Midnight for a run. Hunt something or I don't know as long as you don't bring her here."


C-"So Midnight doesn't get to know that I'm planning her a surprise party for her so in six hours from now I want you to bring her don't let her find out or your ass is on the line ok"

D-"Ok then I'll talk to her she's probably in the garden."

Derek pov

Midnight hasn't been talking to me or anybody much she only stays in the garden but I hope that today she can at least look at me and to not think that I think of her as a monster because she had to kill her sister. When I got near the garden I can hear humming and I can see that she is holding one of the maids baby while she is working. When I get near her I hug her and kiss her head and can smell the scent of roses and sunshine and it feels like she could always make me  smile with only her smell.

D-"Hi Midnight."

M-"Hi"she whispers.

D-"I was wondering if you want to go for a run or walk in the woods so do you want to."


So she told on the maids to take the baby to her chambers and tell the mother that her baby was there. We went walking in the woods.

D-"Midnight why won't you talk to anybody all you keep doing is go into the garden and stay there all day long.  I miss my Midnight the one who would laugh as if there wasn't a care in the world, the one who would always have something even if it didn't make any sense to anybody, where is the Midnight that would comfort everybody and have a smile that was even brighter than the sun and more precious than any jewel in the world." I could feel tears coming down my face.

M-"The Midnight that you loved is gone she died the day she killed her own sister and-"

D-"But I don't care you had to do it and your not a monster. You thought that what you did was right now please Midnight please forget it and think about the future. Your sister chose to take path she did and you ccouldn't do anything about it."

So I kissed her and she struggled but then she calmed down and kissed me back. When we separated I kept whispering into her ear that I love her and that I would never leave her.

Carolina pov

Six hours later

Everything is set for the party now all I have to do is wait for Derek and Midnight and we can all dress up.

Midnight pov

Derek told me that he wanted to give me a surprise so he told that we should head back to the castle. When we got back I went into my room and saw a big box. I opened it and saw a silver dress that had diamonds on the mask and the hem of the dress. It was long and it touched the floor it had flowers that you could barely see so I put it on with a diamond necklace and earnings. I heard a knock on my door and saw Derek with a suit that was all black and a wolf mask on. He took my arm and told me that he was going to blindfold me. He tied a cloth and he took my hand and led me somewhere. When he told me stop I heard a door opening and he took my hand again. We stopped and he took the blindfold of and all I saw was darkness then it got brighter and everybody screamed surprise. I was so happy that I forgot everything and I saw a buffet many people dressed in different animals.  That's when I saw my sister and shw was dressed all blue and green with a peacock mask. Damian was dressed as a coyote. Then I heard a song play and all the women in the party were staring at Derek and Damian. He saw the women staring and just chuckled. While we dancing there something magical happened. The dress that me and Carolina were wearing turned into something else. Her dressed turned into a beautiful aqua and she had pearl crown her whole dress was also a bit of a green that I had never seen and there was the most beautiful thing ever which was the drawing which was the markings on her body that even words couldn't describe the pictures. My dress turned all white with green vines and my shoes disappeared and I had a gold snake in my arm and vines with white roses on my wrists and ankles and I had a crown made of the most beautiful flowers. Everybody looked at us and we just laughed and hept on dancing and eating and had the best night ever that I will always remember forever.

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