Day six

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I woke up with the feeling of being spooned in a death grip. I pushed my shoulder back into Nick to wake him up. My back was facing him so I moved forward so I could turn around. I turned to face him and saw his eyes close as fast as he could then laid his head back down on the pillow.

"I saw you," I said. "Stalker." He smiled with his eye still closed.
"No you didn't, I'm asleep," he said.
"Weirdo," I said with a smile. He just stayed there so I leaned over a bit the top of his left peck softly.
"Stop," he giggled.

"I think I would be more comfortable with some boundaries because you're being a little too touchy," he said grabbing a few pillows and putting them between us.
"Oh come on," I said annoyed but still jokingly.

I grabbed one of the pillows and hit him with it.
"Asshole," he said jokingly. He grabbed the pillow from under my head and hit me with it.
"That is not fair!" I yelled quietly. I couldn't get rid of the smile I had on, I was just so happy.

I hit him again and laughed at him.
He grabbed my arms and pulled me toward him. He looked at me with soft, tired eyes.
"I think I have morning breath," I said smiling and holding a blanket to my mouth.
"I probably do too," he said.
"Yeah, you do," I said. He laughed but still pulled me in closer. I looked down at his lips then back up at his beautiful brown eyes. Our faces were so close, all I wanted to do was to kiss him.

"I'm gonna go make us breakfast," he said.
"No," I whined. "You know how I don't like it when you do that."
"You know how I don't care and how I'm gonna do it anyway," he said.
"Fine, then just make me cereal."
"Fine," he answered.

He leaned in closer and kissed me. His tongue slowly slithered into my mouth making the morning ware off.
"OK hold on, your breath does not smell good," I laughed.
"Ouch," he giggled. "Fine, I'll just go make you your breakfast." I watched his muscular, half naked body as he got up and walked toward the door.
"Happy we got trapped together loser," he said
"Brush your teeth." The look he gave me made me laugh.

I waited for him to come back, just listening to the soft music. Finally, he walked into the room with two bowls full of cocoa pebbles.
"Thanks Bug," I said.
"Bug?" he asked, seeming a little confused.
"What? It's cute and I wanna have a nickname for you," I explained.
"Yeah, it is kinda cute." he sat down next to me and gave me the bowel.

"Well since you gave me a nickname, I'm gonna give you one too," he said
"Why am I scared?" I asked. He sat and thought for a sec when his eyes lit up.
"Muffin," he said proudly.
"Muffin? Dude, your such a dork."
"What, it's cute," he said
"OK fine, it is kinda cute," I said putting down my bowel.

I grabbed his bowel and put it with mine. 
"Whatcha doin Muffin?" he asked as I pushed off the blankets and started crawling toward him.
"Nothin Bug," I said. I threw my leg over his body and leaned closer to his face.
"Oh, you did brush your teeth," I said. "I'm surprised."
"Of course I did, you asked me to and I can't resist doing anything you ask of me."

His eyes started moving down his hoodie I was wearing, it was a little big so if you looked down it, you would have the perfect view of my tits.
"Like what you see?" I asked.
"I think you already know the answer," he said, not taking his eyes off my chest.

I laid down on his chest so we could just cuddle. I pulled out my phone and went to Disney plus.
"What are we doing now?" Nick asked.
"Watching your favorite movie," I answered
"Moana? You're the best." I gave him my phone before he kissed me on the cheek and adjusted the both of us to get comfortable. I slid off his body and rested my head on his shoulder. I put my leg over him just for a little extra spice.

The movie started and all we did was cuddle. I rarely can sit through movies with a guy I like but I felt comfortable with him, I didn't just need to fuck him, I just needed to spend time with him.

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