Moonlit Encounters- Artemis (My OC) x Reader

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Type: Fluff, Kliff being jelly, and Artemis being a Queen-

Requested by: TrinXfinity

Note: Before this oneshot chapter begins, I put an image of what my oc Artemis looks like up top. Art is made by me :D (I have no clue as why it's sideways-)

And now onto the oneshot.

(Y/N)= Your Name

(E/C)= Eye Color

(F/I)= Favorite Instrument

(D/N)= District Name

(F/C)= Favorite Color

(M/G)= Music Genre

Vinyl City, the music capital of the world where all artists of all genres of music gathered to perform. The city was once ruled by NSR, a group of elite artists that performed their music with EDM, with Tatiana leading the corporation and also being the mayor of Vinyl City, as NSR worked to power the city with music. However, an indie rock duo called Bunk Bed Junction saw how corrupt NSR was, as the power was only being produced to its elites during constant blackouts, and after Tatiana banned rock music from the Lights Up Audition, the band started a Music Revolution, hijacking concerts and taking over the districts that each NSR Artist ruled over.

When it came to the final showdown with Tatiana, Mayday and Zuke defeated her, but it was soon revealed that the man helping them take down NSR was the true villain all along. Kliff attempted to plunge the NSR Satellite into the NSR Tower, but his plans were foiled as Bunk Bed Junction helped the NSR Artists reclaim their districts and destroy the satellite. In the end, Tatiana gave Mayday her guitar and allowed all artists to perform in Vinyl City, making the city brighter in power as blackouts became rare. Kliff however, remained on the run for his crimes, while Tatiana and the Vinyl City police worked to track him down...

A month after the events of the Music Revolution, a new artist moved to Vinyl City and joined NSR as it's newest elite. This new artist was (Y/N), and they performed (M/G) with their (F/I), catching the attention of Tatiana and the other NSR Artists because of their talent. Tatiana invited (Y/N) to join NSR and they accepted, becoming the charter for the city's newest district (D/N). (D/N) was the perfect place for (Y/N) and their growing fanbase, and it also fit the aesthetic of (M/G) that (Y/N) loved to play so much. Being an NSR Elite was quite a job, but (Y/N) loved playing their music and working with the co-workers they were becoming friends with.

(Y/N) and the other NSR Artists were working hard to power the city with their music, and also help Tatiana track down Kliff so he could be held accountable for his crimes. Even though (Y/N) wasn't present during the Music Revolution, they wanted to help keep Vinyl City safe from people like Kliff from potentially bringing harm to its citizens. Bunk Bed Junction joined in helping NSR hunt down its most wanted criminal, and everyone vowed to never stop until they found Kliff and brought him to justice. However as (Y/N) helped in the manhunt, they would encounter a woman mysterious as the moon that snuck around in the darkness of night, only to be seen under the moonlight when (Y/N) found her...

It was just another regular night in Vinyl City, being the brightest in light it could be. (Y/N) was in their palace like home that was in the heart of (D/N), working on composing a new album to really take off in their career and attract more fans to their district. While (Y/N) was working, their cellphone rang as there was an incoming call from Tatiana. (Y/N) picked up their cellphone and answered, "Hey Tatiana what's up?" "Hello (Y/N), Eve was wondering if you wanted to do a collab later this month as part of her tour. If not then it's understandable, we all know you're busy with creating your 1st album." Tatiana spoke on the other end of the line from her office at the NSR Tower. "That sounds fun actually, so tell Eve I'll join in." (Y/N) replied as they smiled, "Just have her contact me so we can discuss the details further."

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