Where I've been

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Hello everyone.

As some of you may know already, this chapter is an update on what's going on with me not uploading oneshot chapters, and I'm going to be completely honest about everything.

Starting off with why I haven't been active that involves some depth into my personal life:

You all know I started my senior year of high school not too long ago at the end of August. I've been really busy since then trying to adjust my schedule since I'm involved in Theater and all that. To even add more to the load I recently got a new job and started on Saturday, so that's also a new adjustment.

Asides from my busy schedule, my family's current situation isn't so great either because my dad has to look for a new job after getting his salary cut, and this was directly after my mom finished her cancer treatment. I guess things always seem to be turning for the worse or something idk-

Because of what's going on, I have been unable to work on the 3 remaining requests I have left until I open up requests again. At this rate there may not be another update for a good while until possibly mid October.

And now to an important thing that I need to address, which is that some of you (mainly one particular person that I need to call out, sorry-) seem to like to constantly message me almost every other day, along with commenting on posts on my other socials announcing that you recognize me from Wattpad. Just yesterday one  user that requested a oneshot commented on my Twitter post yesterday asking when I was going to update this book, which is FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NOT WHAT YOU COMMENT ON A POST, ESPECIALLY ON AN ART TWITTER-!

I cannot stress this enough, please stop. I understand you have good intentions on checking in on me, but it really gets on my nerves that you also do it outside of Wattpad on my other socials. You know who you are.

There's a very important rule that I have and that rule is please be patient. I have a life outside of Wattpad and everywhere else on the internet that I'm living right now. If you decide to ignore that rule, then I can and I will block you if deemed necessary. I hope you all understand.

If you read through this then thank you. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, come across as rude, and especially start any drama, but I really needed to address a factor that's been really nagging at me. Again, please be patient as I'm getting used to a lot of new things outside of the internet entirely. As soon as I can get adjusted, then I should be able to work on and release a oneshot request. Until then, we'll just have to wait and see.

That's all I have to say for now, I'll see you in the next chapter probably mid October or so. Please be considerate in the meantime.

Doveria the Goddess,

Over and out.

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