*Chapter 6*

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Third P.O.V

After going home Jimin decided to go the store buy the groceries so that Jin wouldn't have to. As he waited in line he saw Namjoon's car parked outside the store, but no one was in it. Afraid of where he might be, Jimin left the grocery store without his groceries, trying to get home as fast as possible.

Two steps outside and he heard his name being called.

"Yo, carrot boy! 'Been looking for you" 

Jimin's heart was racing, he looked around, there was no escape. His only option was to run, but Namjoon was way too close and too fast not to catch him.

 A snicker was heard.

"I like your scared ass face, carrot boy" Namjoon was walking closer and closer and Jimin was still frozen by fear.

"L-leave me alone, Namjoon"

"Nah, I don't think so" 

And so the first punch came, throwing Jimin to the ground. His face hurt like hell and his legs refused to move. A few people scattered away, but no one did anything as Namjoon dragged him into a close by alley. 

The boy kicked him in the ribs and that's when Jimin realized he would be in serious shit soon if he didn't do something, but fighting back was not an option, Namjoon was much stronger then him. He painfully got up, both of his arms resting on his knees as he bent down, trying to stand up when the blonde came up to him.

"I always wanted to do that carrot boy, you have no idea" At that moment, Jimin grabbed Namjoon's shoulder, slamming his face into his knees before running away. Without even looking back, Jimin could hear Namjoon screaming in pain and anger.


His lungs were burning, his legs felt numb, his heart was beating out of his chest and his orange hair glued to his sweaty forehead as Jimin had ran back home. Locking himself in his room, the orange haired boy fell to his knees, tears pouring down his cheeks, the only sound echoing in his house.

A while after, the door opened and closed, a shout was heard but Jimin did not answer. His hyung had come back from school which meant he had cried for an hour straight and was still crying. He didn't even want to think about what would happen if his hyung found him like this.

"Jimin?" Jimin!!" 

A sob escaped his soaked lips as he desperately restrained himself from answering his hyung's call.

"Jimin, I'm coming up!" 

A shiver of fear pierced through Jimin's body as he weakly tried to reach the door's lock in time but the pain in his ribs kept him from moving fast enough and his two small hands had barely touched the doorknob when the door opened, and his name was cried out.

"J-Jimin what happened to you?" 

Quickly hiding himself, ashamed of what had happened to him, Jimin didn't answer his hyung's question, instead, he buried his head in his knees.

"Jimin! Jimin, I'm not asking again who did this???" Jin's voice was surprisingly stable and ferm.

"N-Namjoon" Jimin thought Jin would ask him why would Namjoon do that but instead the elder simply cursed.

"That idiot, he'll pay for what he did to you!" And just like that the ravenette got up.

"N-No hyung, where are you going?" Jimin tried to get up but fell back down on his knees.

"You are not going anywhere, I'm calling Taehyung, he'll look after you while I go talk to Namjoon" 

The younger boy was confused at his hyung's attitude but didn't say anything. Ten minutes later Taehyung came and took care of Jimin's cuts and bruises as Jin left the house and headed towards Namjoon's house. 

The blonde boy was sitting on his couch, scrolling through his Instagram feeds when a knock was heard on his door. At first, he was going to take his time to go and answer, but the person knocking was close the smashing his door down with the force he was knocking at the door.

Namjoon roughly opened the door, angry at whoever was beating his poor door.

"What?" He yelled but his face was emptied of all colors when he saw who was at the door. "J-Jin? What are you doing here?" 

Jin slapped Namjoon to which he simply blinked his eyes.

"Why do you think, you piece of shit! You think you can beat my brother and I won't say anything!"


"You will not touch him again." He yelled, pushing on his torso with force. "You hear me?!"

Jin was going to slap him again but Namjoon had snapped out of his shocked state and grabbed his wrist pulling Jin towards him.

"You know what to do if you want me to let your brother be" He whispered close to the other's face.

"Let me go, Namjoon" The ravenette tried pushing him off but Namjoon was stronger.

"It's up to you really" This time he nibbled he spoke right into Jin's ear.

"NO! I will not agree to this" Jin freed himself from Namjoon's grip, but the latter grabbed his waist pushing him against the wall.

"I told you this would happen if you didn't agree to going out with me. You could've avoided all of this" 

Jin shook his head.

"Just beat me instead, don't hurt Jimin anymore"

"No, I would never hurt you Jin baby, carrot face however, I don't care"

"Do not call him that!"

"Here's the deal, go on dates with me whenever I ask, and I won't touch him" 

Jin was thinking hard, he didn't want to be anywhere near the blonde but Jimin's safety was more important.

"Fine" He agreed through gritted teeth.

"Perfect" Namjoon leaned in and kissed Jin's plump lips, but Jin bit his lip and pushed him off.

Namjoon winced in pain and touched his lips.

"Soon you'll kiss back"

"I wouldn't bet on that" Jin spat before turning around and walking out of Namjoon's house and back to his.

It hurt him seeing Jimin who had already suffered so much get beaten because of him. Namjoon had asked  a thousand of times to go out with him and he had constantly rejected the younger until the boy found a way to put pressure on him, Jimin. 

It disgusted him the lenght to which the male was ready to go just for a date. The two had met in class and had gotten well, they would pair up for homework and even study together until Jin found out about Namjoon's reputation and what he had been saying about him to his friend. Ever since that day he had stopped speaking to the blonde and had kept on rejecting him and ignoring him, until today. 

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