*Chapter 1*

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TW: This story talks about self inflicted pain and injuries, as well as depression and other touchy subjects. If sensible to such topics, please leave the story and don't throw any hate, this story is a safe space with an understanding point of view. Please be respectful.

The two boys stumbled inside the house, Taehyung immediately falling on the couch.

"What a bunch of morons. Are you okay, Jimin?" Taehyung called out to his friend.

"Yeah but what about you? My god, Tae, you didn't have to step in like this" Jimin felt bad his friend had gotten beaten because of him.

"I told you I wouldn't let them touch you" he smiled as his friend went looking for his brother.


He went to Jin's bedroom and found a note, he was at work again. Jin worked at a café near school, it was a part time job, but it was enough for both of them to live even though Jin's parents had a lot of money and loved to spoil their only child. Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim were very nice, they had taken Jimin in after his parents kicked him out three years ago and when he and Jin entered high school they bought their son a house and asked Jimin to move in with him. Jimin thought he was very lucky to have a friend like Jin and he loved his parents as if they were his own.

The boy went back downstairs and looked at the couch to see Taehyung had fallen asleep, he took out blanket from the closet and wrapped it around his friend,  it wasn't the first time Taehyung would sleep over, he even had a drawer with his clothes.

Jimin ate alone at the table still thinking about what Yoongi had told him. Why would he stop Namjoon if he didn't care about him? Ever since Yoongi had joined the basketball team, Jimin had been trying to understand him but he just couldn't. 

He was the best player but never bragged or took advantage of it, he was popular and good looking yet he was never with any girl, he had only three friends but never seemed to really interact with them, no one ever contested his authority, nor the students or any of his friends, he never talked or laughed, in two years, Jimin had never seen him smile, not once, how can someone live so... numbly. Yoongi had everything but he simply never seemed to be happy, never. Jimin kept thinking about Yoongi and soon fell asleep, his head between both his arms crossed on the table.

Next day

Yoongi heard his alarm go off but he didn't want to wake up, what was the point of waking up to an empty house and an empty life. A life with no feelings, no happiness, no one by his side. He was breathing and alive, but not living. 

Not wanting to open his eyes, he placed his hands on his ears to try and quiet the noise of his own dark thoughts, but he couldn't. He screamed in his bed as tears began to fall down his face, though he didn't notice them, he was so used to crying that he couldn't feel the tears anymore. He got up and looked at himself in the mirror and saw his tears on his skin. His hand rubbed against his cheek as he wiped them away.

"Why? Why am I crying?" As he looked at himself in the mirror, he saw nothing but a broken man, he punched the bathroom mirror and screamed in pain and frustration.

"What's wrong with me?!" 

"Why am i like this..." 

He looked down at his bleeding knuckles, opened the tap and put his hands under the freezing water. It stung but he didn't mind the pain, on the contrary, pain would help him forget about his dark thoughts. The harsh words and stares didn't leave scars, but his actions would and he needed the scars, he needed someone to notice them and come save him before it was too late, if it wasn't already. He would mark his whole body if that was what it took for someone to finally come to his rescue. 

But then again, he still couldn't feel it, why didn't he feel the pain, it wasn't the first time he would hurt himself, but he never felt the pain he wanted so bad, he needed something to make him feel alive, to make him feel human.

And so he was going to fake another day of living, he had a family that he hated but he still lived like they had taught him, he had friends, but he would never hang out with them (only with Jungkook), he never understood how he managed to have three incredible friends and his only way out was basketball. He was the best player, he would spend all his waking hours playing, when he played he would forget about his problems, his family, his depressing thoughts. 

So with a heavy mind, Yoongi came to school, late as usual but the teachers were used to it by now. As he walked inside the empty corridors he heard muffled sounds coming from the lockers, he turned the corner and saw Jungkook kissing some girl, his right hand on her ass and his left under her shirt. At the rate they were going they would be fucking in a few seconds, Yoongi wouldn't've said anything if they weren't in the corridors and could be seen and expelled.

Hearing a cough,Jungkook turned towards Yoongi and smiled his bunny smile, letting go of the girl immediately and walking towards his hyung.

"Oppa where are you going, we're not done" She whined making him groan at the name.

"I am not your oppa, now leave me alone, slut" The girl started crying as she ran towards the girl's restroom to fix herself and cry.

"You're so mean, Kook"

 The latter shrugged before swinging his arm around his hyung's shoulder.

"Late again?" Jungkook asked but immediately stopped in his track when he saw Yoongi's scared knuckles.

"Yoongi, what's this?" Said boy pulled his hoodie's sleeves to cover his hands, not answering his friend.

"Did you start again? You promised me you wouldn't start again"

Jungkook was the only one to know part of what Yoongi had been going through, having caught him hurting himself one day. Out of all the people Yoongi knew, Jungkook was the only one he truly cared about, he let him do almost anything, even be all touchy because Jungkook was special to him.

Today he knew he had disappointed his friend which made him feel strangely  guilty but Yoongi shrugged it off and began to walk towards his class room, Jungkook trailing behind him. They entered the classroom at the same time, ignoring the teacher's questions and the student's intense staring. They were partners but today they didn't spare each other a glance, which caught the attention of a certain orange haired boy.


Hellooooo!I haven't updated in so long, we actually didn't have Wifi for like two weeks so I'm very sorry and for those who read Instagram i'm hoping to start re-updating soon! And thank you so much for all the comments and followers, i love you guys!!


I'm editing this book, I hope you guys read it and like it! <3

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