*Chapter 9*

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Third P.O.V

The bell rang and all the students exited the classroom in a rush. Jimin walked out of the building next to Taehyung, waiting for Hoseok to come and get him.

"So, you're going to his house?"

"That's right, I think we're going to watch a movie or something. I can't wait" The orange haired boy smiled his crescent eye smile.

"I think he's here" The brunette mentioned towards a smiling approaching Hoseok. "Good luck" Taehyung winked before making his way to the entrance gates and out of the school. leaving Jimin by himself to wait for the redhaired male. 

"Hey, there"

"Hello" Jimin shyly answered.

"Ready to go??"

"Sure" The two teenagers left, smiling and laughing while three other boys were eyeing them.

"I seriously don't understand what Hobi sees in that freak" Namjoon scoffed.

"Why do you care, you've already gotten your revenge on him anyway" Yoongi says.

"True" The blonde smirked remembering the other day in the alley but also the painful hit he took.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Jungkook asked.

Namjoon then explained and even though Jungkook was disappointed about the fact that he wasn't able to participate, he was glad to know that Jimin had gotten what he deserved.

"Wait, Yoongi how did you know?" The blonde buff male asked his friend. 

"Taehyung told me, he thought Jungkook did it"

"You spoke to him?" Jungkook asked shocked.

"Yeah, I ran into him when I left your house yesterday. He wanted to "beat your face in" if I recall correctly"

"Pff, that twink couldn't even move his finger when I had him caged, I'd love to see him try" The younger scoffed as Namjoon chuckled.  "Nam, wanna go out tonight? I know this bar with a ton of hot girls and happy hours starts soon" The teenager wriggled his eyebrows making the other laugh.

"Nah, no can do. I have someone coming over tonight" This time it was the blonde's turn to wiggle his eyebrows suggestively as the ravenette whistled.

"Who's the girl?"

"Oh uh, just someone I met at a bar" The blonde hoped the others didn't notice his shaking voice which clearly they didn't, since Jungkook was already talking about how he was going to get laid tonight and Yoongi hadn't even been listening. Since the start of the conversation the mint haired boy had been staring at a silhouette walking away.

"I gotta go, bye guys" Not thinking twice, Yoongi waved goodbye to his friends before running towards the boy.

"What the hell?" Jungkook looked at where his hyung had ran to and felt his blood boil when he saw who it was.

"Hey!" Yoongi grabbed the brunette's wrist, stopping him in his track.

"Yoongi? What's up?" Taehyung asked looking around to see if any member of his clique had followed him.

"Nothing. Are you going home?"

"Yep, why?"

"No reason" The mint haired boy started walking again before turning back. "You coming?" Taehyung blinked a few times before walking up to Yoongi, the two making their way back to their street.

"So, why did you call me? I thought you didn't like me"

"I don't"

"You didn't answer my question"

"I didn't want to walk on my own and now that I know that you live on my street and you're not as bad as I thought, I figured why not walk back together"

"Aww you like having me around" The brunette threw his arm around the elder's frame, but the latter quickly smacked it making the other wince and take it back.

"Do you know what's going on between Jimin and horse face?"

"You should stop calling him that, that's mean"

"I really don't care"

"Wow and no. Well, I know that Jimin is over at his place right now but other than that I don't know. I think Jimin is starting to develop a crush on him"

"Yeah it seems like Hoseok is too"

"Seriously?" Yoongi cocked an eyebrow. 

"Isnit it kind of obvious?" Taehyung laughed and maybe Yoongi slightly smiled. Indeed he did like the younger's presence around him and was happy to finally be breaking out of his depressing routine. 

The two boys soon arrived at the elder's house, Yoongi immediately entered the house and was about to shut the door when a foot came in his way.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?"

"No" Yoongi deadpaned to which the other rolled his eyes.

"Thanks" The brunette pushed Yoongi and entered the house.

"Really? Why are you even here?" He groaned.

"Cause I have nothing else to do"

"Sucks for you but I'm going to practice basketball"

"But you don't have practice today"

"I practice on my own" Yoongi was tired of having to explain everything to this child.

"Can I come??" The brunette was excited, he always wanted to see Yoongi play.

"No" The boy's smile instantly fell.

"Why not?"

"Because the only one that comes to see me is Jungkook"

"Well that jerk isn't here so I'll go"

"He's not a jerk" The other said through gritted teeth.

"You saw what he did to me, he is a jerk. Just some fuckboy who is too stupid to care about anybody other than his little persona. He'll end up alone and bitter but he deserves every-" Taehyung was cut off when Yoongi grabbed him and pushed him hard against the wall.

"You listen to me, kid, Jungkook is not like that and he'll have a great life, okay! If he's a fuckboy now it's only because he hasn't found the right person yet but when he does that person will be the luckiest person in the world. So don't fucking talk about him like that, got it?!" Taehyung who was trembling, had his hands wrapped around Yoongi's trying to get him to loosen his hold.

"O-Okay" His voice was shaky, his breath hitched and his back hurt. "Can you let me go n-now?" The mint haired boy blinked a few times before releasing his grip on the other.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to grab you like that. I just don't like when people talk smack about Jungkook. I know he's not the best guy ever but, he's my best friend" 

Taehyung took a deep breath trying not to think of the pain in his back.

"It's okay, I'd do the same for Jimin. Hell, I even started a fight for him the other day" Yoongi only hummed in response. "Thank you by the way, if it hadn't been for you Jimin would've had gotten hurt."

"Well he did get hurt after"

"Yeah but it was better if it was only Namjoon and not Jungkook too" Again, the elder hummed  before grabbing a gym bag, throwing it over his shoulder and exiting the house, Taehyung silently following him.

"You can come if you still want to" 

"What?" The brunette turned to look at Yoongi.

"To practice"  

Taehyung smiled his boxy smile before joining Yoongi and both boys headed to the school's gym building. On the way over the two boys got to know each other better, Yoongi talked more about his friendship with Jungkook and even though Taehyung had trouble believing him, he came to the conclusion that the ravenette was a bad person but a good friend. 

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