*Chapter 2*

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Once his classes were over for the day, Jimin spent his spare time daydreaming in the school's garden. After the school bell had rang, he had gotten all of his stuff, practically running away from Jungkook and trying his best not to look at Yoongi, still confused about what he had said the other day. 

So there he was, leaning against a tree, earphones in his ear, nodding his head to the beat when a violent punch to his head threw him of guard. Feeling anger rush through him, he looked around to see who had kicked a ball right at him, ready to  insult the shit out of him but to his suprise, he saw a guilty looking Hoseok with a ball in his hand.

"I'm sorry I kicked the ball at you, Jimin. I wasn't aiming for you, I swear! I didn't seen you..." Jimin swallowed all his insults and simply smiled at the brunette.

"It's okay" He turned his attention back to his phone, putting the earphone back inside his ear, but the latter was pulled out quickly after as Hoseok sat down beside him.

"Not to be rude but why are you here? Like next to me?" He asked as he paused his music.

"Well first of all it is rude to ask that and second, I just wanted to, I don't know, talk to you? "Jimin rolled his eyes before turning over facing the brunette.

"Okay who put you up to this? Is it one of your dumb friends? Because I won't fall for it" Jimin heard him chuckle and got slightly irritated.

"Somehow I knew you'd react like this but no, no one set me up for this. I came here on my own because I'm interested in you, Jimin, and I want to get to know you"

"You? Interested in me? I'm a boring person"

"No, you're not! You're good looking, bright, quiet and calm, a really good basket ball player, not a fuckboy which is weird judging by your looks and abilities. In short, interesting" 

Maybe Jimin blushed a little after hearing what Hoseok had said about him, but it was only because no one was that nice to him usually, or so he told himself.

"Oh, well thank you, Hoseok. I guess you can stay"

"Thanks! I honestly just want to get to know you better and talk."

And so they talked, all after noon until the orange haired boy had to go home. The duo got up and started walking down the paved road until they reached Jimin's house. They both stood face to face, not knowing what to say.

"Well this just got awkward" Jimin laughed at Hoseok's comment and the red-hair swore it was the nicest thing in the world.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Hoseok"

"Yeah, goodnight, Jimin" Hoseok turned around, leaving Jimin at the foot of his house, thinking about the different yet amazing day he had today.

"Wow" The latter blushed at his own thoughts and butterflies in his stomach and hurried inside, running to his bed. He kept going over everything they two had said to each other today and found himself smiling the entire time. This time, he didn't need daydreaming to fall asleep.

Jimin's P.O.V

Once again, the rain poured outside the school. The harsh sound of the rain against the roof send shivers down my spine. God, I hated it when it rained, but there was nothing I could do. I sat down waiting for Taehyung to sit next to me and wait for this boring day of school to be over. I finally see a silhouette and sit down, I turn around not putting much attention, but I should've.

"Hey Tae, you'll never believe what happened yesterday with Hose- HOSEOK?!"

"Hello, Jimin. So what happened with Hoseok yesterday?" I turned bright red as he smiled softly. I was so embarrassed I looked anywhere but where he was.

"You know I'm sitting right in front of you? You can't look around me forever" Blushing even more I look up to see his eyes filled with adoration? I thought he would make fun of me or be creeped out but no, how weird and yet, nice?

"Um no, nothing happened. I, i-it was um" Sighing harshly I let my head fall on my desk. "I'm so embarrassed"

 Again I hear him chuckle as he rubbed my back in a comforting way.

"Don't worry I think its cute to see you couldn't' wait to tell your best friend about me, means I must be important" Flashing me his sunshine like smile I feel my cheeks burn. What was up with me?

"So why did you come here?" I end up asking him.

"Well, I wanted to know if you were busy later today"

"Don't you have practice? I remember we always had practice on Fridays ..." He frowned, and I found myself frowning too but then he looked up smiling again grabbing my hand giving it a light squeeze.

"How about you come over to my place after practice? We could do Netflix and chill? In a friendly way of course!" He hurriedly added. 

With that smile and cute behavior,  how could I say no?

"Sure, I'd love. I'll bring popcorns too"

"Great!  See you then" I look at him get up not before winking at me. 

I smiled and looked down to hide my blush, I looked at him sit down next to his dumb friends and start talking looking oh so beautiful.  I did my best to look away as I waited for Taehyung.

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