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Rain falls down the windows as Jimin sits down on his seat, ready for another boring day in school. He sighed as he looked out the windows, it had been raining for days now, Jimin would always feel sad when it rained. It made him feel like the world was crying and he wanted to cry too, though there wasn't anything to do but stay inside all day and wait for the rain to pass until it would come again.

Students arrived in the classroom talking and playing but Jimin wasn't paying attention, he was lost in his daydream. When Jimin wasn't in school or with his friends he would listen to music and dream. Unfortunately, loud screams and squealing shook him out of his daydream as he turned to look at the door of the classroom as Bangtan Soneyeondan, the famous school's basketball team, entered the classroom. Well not the whole team but the four most popular and best players. The blonde one was Kim Namjoon, he was tall with really cute dimples, he was a great basketball player but also a great student with a high IQ. Next to him was Jung Hoseok, he had brown hair and a horse face but he hated when people would joke about that, an incredible smile, there truly was no happier player then Jung Hoseok, when he entered a room he would light up the mood and it was as if he brought happiness and hope wherever he went. Beside him was Jeon Jungkook the high school playboy, every girl and guy wanted him, with his jet black hair, his abs and that cute bunny smile of his, but unfortunately he was known not only for his good looks but also for his attitude and personality. To many student's dismay Jungkook was the meanest person Jimin had ever seen not to mention how rude he was with everybody, teachers included. And the last one was Min Yoongi, mint hair, gummy smile, pale soft skin, he was the best player and also captain of the basketball team, which was funny because whenever he wasn't playing basketball he was usually sleeping.

 Jimin didn't know much about him because he would always keep to himself, he was very quiet and strangely would never brag about his skills in basketball though he deserved to, he was a truly exceptional player and a lot of girl would fangirl over him but as far as Jimin knew none of them had ever melted the cold heart of Min Yoongi.

Jimin's P.O.V

I got up from my seat to throw something in the bin and before I knew it I was laying on the ground as Namjoon walked past me not even helping me up after bumping into me.Lookingup I see mint hair and a cold, expressionless face, Min Yoongi. He looks at me and doesn't do anything, so I stand up and mumble to myself "thanks for the help" but apparently he heard since he grabs my collar and looks straight into my eyes.

"The fuck you said dumbass" He was even scarier than when he wasn't doing anything. I looked around trying not to stare at his cat eyes, his small pink lips, cute nose, I never knew Yoongi was this beautiful. I saw his patience end when I didn't answer anything, so he pushed me against the wall, our faces were only inches apart but then two arms wrapped around his torso pulling him back.

"Come on dude, don't start a fight on our winning day, just leave carrot boy alone" I flinched at the pet name as Hoseok dragged Yoongi to his seat and winked at me.

"The hell?" 

 I wasn't sure what had just happened, but I still silently thanked him as he offered me his famous sunshine smile. I was still standing there when I felt someone tugging on my shirt trying to get me to sit down. I sat down and saw Jin was the one that had been pulling me dowm.  His name is Kim Seokjin but he prefers Jin, we consider each other brotherss ever since I had been living with him. You see, my parents had thrown me out of the house after I told them I was gay.  I didn't hide it even though I would get death glares sometimes or just disappointed stares from girls who had a crush on me. I wasn't popular in school but I wasn't transparent either, my orange hair would attract a lot of attention. I was a handsome teenager and used to be part of the basketball team but when Yoongi had joined two years ago I had left.

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