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Five years later

"Yoongi!!! What are you doing we're late!!" Jimin exhaled sharply and rubbed his temple. The two male had dinner plans with friends from high school and were already fifteen minutes late.

"I'm coming!" The ravenette yelled before stumbling down the stairs. He made his way to the front door where his boyfriend was waiting with a stern expression.

"I already told not to make that face, it makes you look less attractive"

"Shut up and get in the car" Jimin said in a false angry tone as he hit Yoongi's head making him chuckle.

The blonde closed and locked the door before getting in the passenger side of the car, he put on his seat belt and the car smoothly took off. On the way there the two boys talked about their day and other everyday stuff until they arrived at their destination, a fancy restaurant in the center of town. Yoongi got out and went to open the door for Jimin which made him smile, the pair made their way inside the establishment immediately greeted by soft music and a pleasant atmosphere. A handsome waiter led them to their table in a private area in the back of the restaurant.

"You guys made it!" Taehyung got up and went to hug his best friend. Even though the pair still talked everyday, it had become harder for them to see each other ever since they had both graduated and had gotten different jobs. Jimin and Yoongi greeted everybody at the table; Seokjin and his husband, Namjoon as well as Jungkook and Taehyung and lastly Hoseok and fiancée Park Chaeyoung (Rose)

"Yes, sorry for the delay, Jimin was on the phone for hours"

"Hey! You're the one who was busy fighting with your "promising artist" " Jimin mocked as he playfully rolled his eyes. Everybody chuckled at the scene and the conversation quickly started once again.

The dinner went by smoothly, all the friends caught up, whether it was gossip from work or sharing past memories, everyone had an amazing time all the way to the end of the night. Jimin spent a lot of time catching up with his brother that had been shooting a movie abroad for the past six months, it was incredible to hear all of the anecdotes he had to share.

Just as the waitress came to clear their table from the dessert dishes, Yoongi got up and grabbed his glass of wine, tapping on it gently with a spoon.

"I know tonight was an evening to catch up and spend time together but I also want this night to be about something else, well, someone else" He looked at Jimin as well as everyone who followed his stare.

"Park Jimin, you have been the light in my life ever since I met you and for the past five years you have kept on illuminating the path that leads to my happiness and I never want to see that light burn out which is why tonight, I ask you to never leave me" Yoongi came to stand next to Jimin before getting on one knee and pulling out blue velvet box, with a shining diamond ring in it.

"Park Jimin, will you do me the honor and the privilege of becoming my husband?" Everyone in the restaurant awed at the sight as well as Jimin who had tears in his eyes.

"Of course I will, Yoongi" Said man placed the ring around the blonde's finger before both got up to share a sweet kiss. The room erupted in applauds from everyone in the restaurant, Taehyung and Jin were crying their eyes out as Jungkook, Rose, Namjoon and Hoseok applauded with big smiles. Jimin shyly giggled and cried at the same time, even though two out of the four couples were already married/engaged he had never thought Yoongi would make the same commitment, so it came as an extremely shocking yet romantic surprise to see the elder get down on one knee, and it front of so many people. 

The rest of the night was magical for the newly engaged couple, Yoongi couldn't stop looking at his fiancee. Each time he looked at the ring on Jimin's finger he felt the same sensation of accomplishment and peace, as if his life was complete. He had everything he needed and he knew he wouldn't be losing any of those things any time soon and somehow knowing that brought him peace and happiness. Few were those who could say they had it all but Yoongi could proudly say it out loud. Tonight began a new journey, a new chapter of his life and he couldn't wait to start it with the love of his life.

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