*Chapter 10*

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Sitting on his couch, Jungkook still couldn't believe Yoongi had run away to go meet Taehyung. A million thoughts went through his mind, it wasnt that he hated Taehyung or didn't want Yoongi to have other friends, it was the speed of things. Yoongi was an extremely patient and cautious person so it shocked the younger to see him grow a frienship with a stranger so fast.

Since when do they talk? Were they friends? Did they like each other? Would Yoongi lie to him? Was Taehyung going to replace him and be Yoongi's best friend?

Another growl left Jungkook's lips. He had to talk to Yoongi. The ravenette took out his phone and dialed Yoongi's number, his foot angrily tapping the floor.

"Kook? What's up?"

"Hey, hyung, what are you doing?"

"Nothing really"

"Can you come over?"

"No, sorry, I promised my sister I would go see her today" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows.

"But hyung, you hate going there"

"Yeah but still, I try to go from time to time, for her" In the background the ravenette could hear the echo of a ball and a faint talking. Jungkook's clenched his jaw as he realized Yoongi was lying to him, the teenager was sure his best friend was at the gymnasium.

"Oh okay, bye hyung"

"Bye, Kookie"

Jungkook rolled his eyes before grabbing his car keys making his way downstairs. He put on his jacket and shoes but stopped before leaving when he heard his mother call him.

"Jungkook!?" Mrs. Jeon called.

"Yeah mom?"

"Where are you going, we're going to eat dinner soon"

"Don't worry it'll be fast, bye mom, love you"

"Bye bunny, love you too!"

The black haired boy parked his car outside the gymnasium building before angrily making his way towards the entrance, but stopped before entering, not liking the sight at all.

Yoongi was playing what seemed to be a friendly game with Taehyung. The two boys were smiling and laughing, making Jungkook's blood boil, but it wasn't until Yoongi hugged Taehyung from behind to try and catch the ball that Jungkook stormed inside the building, making both boys turn and look at him with wide eyes.

"J-Jungkook?" Taehyung asked in fear, immediately distancing himself from both boys.

"Shut up" The ravenette shot back.  "Visiting your sister huh" Jungkook spat as Yoongi looked down, sighing.

"I'm sorry I lied, Jungkook"

"Why did you? Since when do we lie to each other?"

"We don't, but I thought you'd be mad if I told you I was with Taehyung. I didn't want you to be mad at me" Jungkook chuckled bitterly.

"You know me all too well, hyung."

 Yoongi had his poker face on, whether as Taehyung was scared of Jungkook, even more when the latter shifted his murderous gaze onto him.

"Can you leave us alone. Please." His tone of voice made it clear to Taehyung it wasn't a request.

"Yeah, I'll just go" Grabbing his stuff, the brunette quickly escaped the gym building.

"Why? Why do you hang out with him?"

"I don't know. He's cool and I like having him around" Jungkook scoffed.

"Jungkook, why does it bother you that much that I hang out with him? Do you perhaps like him?"

"What?! Of course I don't. What makes you think I like him???"

"Well  I did find you stuck on him the other day and like, I don't understand why you would get so angry if it's not because you're jealous that I hang out with him and you don't"

"You're way off, hyung" Jungkook shook his head as well as his hand to prove how much he disagreed.

"Am I? I can help you talk to him if you want to" Jungkook shook his head, not understanding his hyung's words.

"What do you mean,  why would I want to talk to him?"

"He's a nice kid. And from what I've seen, I think he's your type" Yoongi chuckled. "Maybe you can try something new for once, try something serious with him? So, what do you say?" 

The ravenette didn't know what to do, his hyung clearly misunderstood the situation but on the other hand, he knew the mint haired boy didn't share his feelings, so maybe it was time to move on?


The younger faked a smile and sat down on the bench, this was starting to get fucked up and he knew it. He knew he should come clean to Yoongi but he aslo knew such a thing was impossible, the elder meant too much to him.

Yoongi came up to him and threw him the ball with a cute gummy smile, Jungkook smiled back and took off his jacket before starting a friendly game with the elder. 

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