*Chapter 4*

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Smiling like an idiot, Jimin walked towards his Spanish class when two hands grabbed his arm, pushing him against the lockers, trapping him in between them. Jimin's breath itched as his back landed harshly against those damn lockers.

"What the- "The orange haired boy looked around himself and came face to face with two cat eyes looking straight at him and pink thin lips way too close to his. This situation seemed way too familiar.


"Shut the fuck up, carrots"

"Don't call me-"

"I said shut up" Yoongi said as he clasped his hands over Jimin's mouth to keep him quiet. "Where are you going?"

"Spanish class?" Jimin looked around, he was so confused with the other's behavior.

"How long?"

"One period, why?"

"You're not going" 

Jimin tried squirming under Yoongi but he held him in place by  putting his right hand on his waist, making him freeze.

"Namjoon and Jungkook are planning on beating you up after school, so I suggest you get out of here while they're still in class"

"W-why would you tell me?" 

Yoongi looked down, exhaling sharply.

"I don't know, so stop asking.  But you better listen" With one last push, Yoongi turned away as Jimin sank down.

"Shit!" Jimin started shaking. Even if he left now, he would never escape those two forever. Shit! He couldn't take a beating, but he was going to have to.

"Why me? I never did anything to them" the younger boy half whined, half cried. 

Trying to calm himself down, he went back to his locker, grabbed his stuff and made his way to the parking lot. Thank god he came with his car today seeing how in this school only the students that came to school with a car, bike or motorcycle were allowed to leave whenever they wanted and didn't have to wait until three, the official time.


 "And don't forget your assignments on Monday, thank you class." Packing his stuff, Yoongi waited for Kook and then joined Namjoon and Hoseok walking back to the parking lot.

"So, let's see if we can find carrot boy"

"Why are you looking for Jimin?"

"Oh no reason, Hoseok" Namjoon forced a smile and Hoseok stayed suspicious.

"Damn I left my history book in my locker. Well you guys can go, I wasn't planning on going to Nam's house anyway"

"Why? We always go back to my place when we don't have practice"

"I have something to do, I'll see you guys later"

 The boys shrugged off Hoseok's weird behavior, after all it was easier to punch that little orange haired brat without him around. And so they waited and waited but he didn't show up.

"What the hell?" Namjoon was getting impatient and Jungkook was getting bored.

"Nam, half the school already left, I think he did too, let's just go"

"I'm gonna take a ride around the school, see if I can't find him. Wanna come, Kook?"

"Nah, man. I got other stuff to do with Yoongi"

"Pussies"  With that the blonde stormed off in his sports car, leaving a trail of dust behind him.

"Asshole" Jungkook muttered. He looked at Yoongi who was leaning against the brick wall with one foot stepping on it too.

"Hey, wait for me I'll be right back" Jungkook took off as Yoongi groaned. What now? He hated waiting, especially after a long day of school when all he wanted to do was sleep but still, Yoongi waited and waited patiently although his patience was slowly ending.

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