what did you say?

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sorry it was so short, im not good at beginnings! it will get better, i promise! please keep reading!!


                                       ******Willows POV

i knocked on the door, and almost immediately i heard a "come in" on the other side.

I took a seat in the chair across from Mr. Averinson. "Hello" i said, trying not to sound bummed to be here. Why couldn't he have pulled me out of math or something?

"Hi" "Are you aware that you had a science test about a week ago?" he questioned.

"Oh... yeah.... about that" i tried before getting cut off.

"Yeah, you failed" he said.

"WHAT!?!?" i exclaimed. "moms going to kill me"

"yeah she is. but since I'm a great guy and all I'm going to let you retake it, but you have to take now, because I'm not supposed to do this, being only the counciler and all" he informed.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" i practically screamed at him.

"No problem, but do better next time. i don't want this to happen again, i wont be able to do this next time."

"Okay, i wont" i assured him.

"Alrighty then, here you go" he handed me the test.

knock knock

Someone was at the door.

"Coming!" he said. He started to walk to the door, then spun on his feet and said he'd be right back.

I started on my test and soon got stuck.

o this is great. I'm going to fail... AGAIN!

And then i noticed it. He left the folder. I've never cheated before in my life, but this was serious, if i failed this again, i would seriously get my butt whooped. i turned to look and see if he could see me, but i forgot there wasn't a window anywhere. i slid the folder over towards me, and started looking through it.

Blah blah blah...

i thought to myself, as i was reading things i already knew, or i didn't care about, like my grades, punishment record (which was empty), parent information, age. wait age? on this paper it said i was 17. well i am very clearly not 17. maybe it was just a typo? it has to be, this is Mr. Averinson, hes known me all my life, he knows I'm only 14. and plus, what kind of 17 is a freshman? i got so caught up in the file i didn't even notice when Mr. Averinson walked back into the room.

"Watch ya doing there? thought you could cheat?" he said with a smile.

"Oh, no.. i was just.... making sure all this information was right."

"And is it?" he asked.

"not quite" i pointed out my age mistake.

His face fell, but only for a second, then perked back up, like nothing changed at all.

"Oh, i see, well we will have to fix that" was his answer.

"wait" i said causing him to jump a little.

whats up with him?

"Why did it say that?"

he didn't answer.

"why did it say that?" i asked again, a little bit  more stern.

Mr. Averinson face dropped.

"I dont know where to start" Mr. Averinson stated. he ran his hands through his hair nervously.

"How about at the beginning? thats always a good place to start" i said sort of sarcastically.

"Im not supposed to tell you. you are not supposed to know, i dont even know if they were ever going to tell you." he finally started.

"Tell me what?"

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