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im getting to the fan fic part, sorry its taking so long! im trying to go as fast as i can.

please keep reading!


                                   ************Willows POV

 "I still don't get it" i said to Mr.Averinson. "Its sweet and all, but what does that have to do with anything?"

"After the accident you forgot everything you've ever learned. You forgot how to speak, walk, you even forgot who your parents were. So then decided, the best way to give you a good life was to raise you as if you were born that day. As if you were an infant" He concluded.

My eyes started to get red, and tears started forming. That wasn't true, it cant be. My parents would never lie to me like that. Would they? With that last thought, the tears id been holding in started falling from my eyes, and i couldn't make them stop.

"No, no. Its not true" i stated as i was backing out of the room.

He gave me a pitiful look.

I couldn't take it any longer. I burst through the door and bolted for the exit. I could hear Mr.Averinson calling my name, and asking me to come back. I found the exit, and ran outside. It was raining, but i didn't care. I ran out in the rain. I didn't know where i was going, but i wanted to get away from here.

After what felt like forever of running, i finally sat down in some alley and sobbed. None of this was real, it couldn't be. I sat and let the rain pour down my face, and then buried my face in my hands, and thought about what he said. It didn't seem right. How can someone forget three years worth of things, but then be able to learn them easily again? I was so lost in my thoughts i didn't even notice someone was standing right in front of me.

"Hello?" He asked in a cute Irish accent.

I snapped my head up from my hands to yell at whoever it was to go away.

"Whats wrong?" He asked again, as he squatted to sit down next to me.

"Nothing you would care to hear about" i replied, avoiding his eyes.

"If its bugging you this much, then i want to know if i can help. And to do that, i need to know what is bothering you" he tried.

"Well you cant help me. Nobody can" i said, finally looking up at his face. His eyes were bright blue. I finally realized who i was talking to.

"Why don't we get out of the rain, and ill see what i can do" he said, reaching out his hand. I took it reluctantly, and stood.

We started walking down the street. I didn't know where i was, but i guess he did. He led me to a Starbucks that happened to be around the corner. He ordered two of something, i wasn't quite sure, because i wasn't fully listening.

 After we got what he ordered, we sat down and i sipped on a coffee he got me.

"Thanks" i said

"No problem!" he replied with a big grin on his face. "So why were you crying?" he asked, the smile quickly fading away.

I explained to him all about the accident, and how i was really supposed to be 17, and my older brother, was really my twin brother.

"Wow" was all he could muster. "Who told you this?"

"My school councilor, hes a friend of my family" i answered.

"I'm so sorry"

I gave a weak smile in turn.

"So umm... do you have a place to stay?" He asked

i thought about it for a second. I didn't want to go home, to see my parents, or anybody else whose lied to me. I didn't have grandparents nearby either. I was truly all alone.

"No" i replied.

"I have an extra bed, if you wanna stay with me" he offered.

"But you don't even know me" i pointed out.

"Well whats your name?"


"That's a pretty name. My names Niall" he said.

"I know"


 **Nialls POV

When i saw Willow crying i rushed over without thinking. And after talking to her a while, i realized how heartbroken she was, she has no body anymore. And i couldn't help noticing how beautiful she was. Her bright green eyes captivated me, and i found myself staring into them, while she was talking. Her long blond hair flowed over her shoulders, even though it was wet i could tell it was amazing.

I warned her about the boys at the hotel. I had my own room but still, they would probably still be there. It turned out she was a fan, and she knew who i was. She never said much about it though, which i appreciated.

I called a cab, and let Willow slide in first. it was a silent five minutes to get back to the hotel that the boys and i were staying. I opened the door and we climbed out, and she followed me inside. As i led her to my room i couldn't help feel sorry for her. That girl has gone through so much in the past six hours, more than a normal person would go through in their lifetime.

I opened the door and stepped inside.  Immediately pulled out the couch bed, and started getting it ready.

"You can seep on my bed, its probably way more comfortable than this thing" i said trying to boost her mood.

"Thanks" she smiled back, not a good one, but it was there.

My phone rang. I slid it out of my pocket and saw it was Louis, i excused myself, and went to go stand in the bathroom to speak to him.

"Hey Lou" i answered.

"Hey, you busy?" he asked.

"Kinda" i replied.

"With what?''

"Well someone needed help, and i said she could sleep here because she had no place to go"


"Yeah. Why what did you need?"

"We were going to have a Nerf war"

"Oh well not right now"

"Snooze you loose!" Louis sang

'Talk to you later!"


I hung up the phone.

"You could have done whatever they asked you to do" Willow said.

"I know, but i just wanted to be nice" i explained.

"Ooh-Kay, but I'm probably just going to go to sleep, Ive had a really long day"

"That's fine, i have some clothes you could borrow" i offered, then stood up to go find something.


I pulled out a plain white t-shirt and sweatpants and handed them to her. She went to the bathroom and changed. She came back and layed down on the bed. I thought she was asleep when she spoke.



"Thank-you for everything"

"That's okay. Sweet dreams" and i didn't hear another sound.

Runner (a Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now