my baby girl

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i might change the name of the story soon, at first i just kinda wrote whatever came to my head first. any suggestions???? if you do let me know!!!


                                         16 years ago

                                     *******Marks POV

I shouldn't be alive. I shouldn't be here. Why couldn't it have been me instead of poor Willow? I started to cry again. I felt like a baby, but i didn't care no body was here. I thought about all the sweet things Willow did.

I remember the smile that appeared on her face, on her first birthday, when we lit the candle. She thought it was the best thing in the world. The flame danced in the reflection of her bright green eyes. She giggled her sweet little laugh, with her chubby cheeks pushed up right underneath her eyes to make room for her big toothless smile.

Or when she was just learning to walk. She stood and took her very first steps. She managed to make two of them before she fell and hit her head, and started to cry. I picked her up ever so gently in my strong arms and slowly, and carefully, i rocked her back and forth. And then i started to sing to my little girl.

Caterpillar in the tree

how you wonder who you'll be

cant go far but you can always dream

She started to settle down, and looked up at me with her big green eyes, listening so contently.

wish you may, and wish you might

don't you worry hold on tight

i promise you there will come a day

butterfly fly away

After i finished, she had nestled into my shoulder, and was quietly sleeping.

 That put me a ease. I could remember so vividly. Shes such a sweat heart, i wanted to hold my baby girl again. Somehow, shes got to be okay.

And my little boy. He seemed okay at the time, but i cant go a day without seeing his wide smile, that took up his whole face. And his dark brown hair that always stood on end from constantly moving, even when he couldn't walk. He was my light brave fighter. I knew he would be okay.

"I don't know how much longer it will take, it depends all on him" I didn't know who was talking, i didn't recognize his voice at all.

"Well you should know! You were the one who gave him the shot!" A very angry and familiar voice shot back. Oh no. I couldn't face Carrie. I had hurt her babies, i had hurt her. She would never ever forgive me. I cant look her in the eye, i cant see the brokenness i knew would be there. And whats worse is i knew it was there all because if me. The voices were getting closer, and i snapped my eyes shut and winced. man this hurts!

"I gave him the shot because he wouldn't let us take care of him. we needed to calm him down, and he wouldn't listen to our reasoning"

I didn't want you to take care of me! I wanted you to take care of my children!! I screamed at him in my head.

"There must be some way you can wake him! I cant go through this all alone. I need him!" Carrie burst into tears. I couldn't stand being silent any longer. I had to mend what i broke.

"Carrie" i croaked. My voice was almost unrecognizable. I managed to pry open my eyes.

"Mark!" She screamed and ran over to me side.

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