*Chapter 16*

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Third P.O.V

Jimin had been walking back and forth for about twenty minutes, thinking about what he should do. Should he talk with Hoseok, or with Taehyung first? Hoseok was the boyfriend but Taehyung was the best friend. 

"Urgh, screw this" Exhaling sharply, Jimin grabbed his car keys got into his car and drove to the hospital. 

The doors opened and Jimin made his way to the counter.

"Hello, I would like to see Min Yoongi"

"Just a minute please." The nurse typed on the computer before speaking again. "Room 221, third floor"

"Thank you" Jimin got into the elevator and pressed the third-floor button, the doors opened and he walked in the aisle looking at the numbers on the doors.

"219, 220, 221" Breathing in deeply, the boy knocked on the door. A faint "Come in" was heard and so Jimin entered the hospital room. Looking around he saw a pale looking Yoongi, with tubes going in and out of him, it was a really sad view.


"Carro- I mean, Jimin? I didn't think I'd see you here"

"I actually wanted to come days ago, but I thought you wouldn't want to see me; besides I've had some problems I had to deal with"

"What kind of problems?" Yoongi tried to sit up but ended up staying where he was.

"Oh no, I don't want to annoy you with my silly problems"

"Please, you won't annoy me. Truth is I'm pretty bored here already, I don't mind listening to you"

"Oh, okay" The younger smiled before sitting down on a chair next to Yoongi's bed.

"Well first, Hoseok has been distant from me since last week or so,  it's really weird. We barely talk outside of school and when we do he's always lost in his thoughts, I don't understand what's going on, if maybe... he doesn't love me anymore...." Jimin trailed his words feeling stupid for saying such words in front of Yoongi. "I'm sorry, this is so dumb"

"It's not dumb, it's normal to wonder that but don't worry, I know for a fact he still loves you"

"Then why would he act like that??" 

"I don't know, I'm sorry" Yoongi pouted, truth is he felt bad for the younger. 

Hoseok and the rest of his friends had been spending a lot of time with him ever since his attempt. They had all asked him what lead him to do it but even Yoongi didn't know. It just made sense at the time. 

"It's okay, it's not your fault, hyung" 

"You should ask him though, it's better to know even if it hurts then to poison yourself imagining the worst"

"You're right" Jimin breathed in to calm himself. "After that there's Tae. Since Hoseok was being distant, I went back to Taehyung but he got angry and said that he was a second option for me and that I preferred Hoseok over him and so we got into a fight" Jimin chuckled bitterly.

"I know, he's talked to me about that"

"He has??" Jimin got up, it surprised him and he wanted to know just how close those two were.

"The day I was sent here, he came with Jungkook. He was very sad about seeing me here and he came every day ever since. One day though he didn't seem sad he seemed...upset, I asked him why he was like that and he told me about his fight with you"

"What did you tell him?"

"To forgive you, that you're living your first love story and it's normal for you to give your special someone all your attention. That it's going to take you time to learn how to balance your time and attention between the two of them"

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