*Chapter 22*

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Jimin woke up after a rough night of crying and confusion. Hoseok's words had a big impact on him, could it be true? Could he possibly like Yoongi when he had just lost Hoseok? Was it really Yoongi who had written that letter? If so, does he still feel the same way? A tear rolled down Jimin's  cheeks. He felt ashamed, ashamed of already thinking about somebody else's love when his boyfriend had broken up with him only a few hours ago.

His first action when he had woken up had been to text his boyfriend a good morning text before remembering yesterday's events, pushing him to call his friend to tell him about everything that had happened, unfortunately the brunette had never answered the phone, leaving Jimin to think by himself about what he would do next.


This word kept on replaying itself in the orange haired boy's mind, driving him to the point of tears.

He had the cutest gummy smile, his eyes hid so much untold stories, his thin lips censors so much words he'd like to say. It was no accident Yoongi had tried to end his life, Jimin knew the boy wasn't happy, he could see all the suppressed pain and worst of all, how unhappy he was. Jimin had seen it all the day he went to see him at the hospital, so broken and tired. And yes, maybe Jimin had developed feelings for him but how could he not, Yoongi was strong and never said anything about his feelings for the younger, he had endured so much and if he could do that then Jimin could also have the strength to admit to himself that he had indeed fallen for the elder.

Three weeks later

Third P.O.V

A loud knock was heard through out the Park's house, waking up a tired Jin who hurriedly went to open the door.


"Hey Jin, how have you been??"

"Really good, you?"

"Same, hyung!" The brunette smiled his boxy smiled making the other smile as well.

"Come in, Tae"

"Thanks, but hyung, why are you here? Don't you live in an apartment now?"

"I do, I'm living with my boyfriend actually, but I came back for Jimin"

"What is up with him? It's actually why I came here. I was visiting my family in Daegu for a few weeks but he doesn't answer my texts, neither does Hoseok. It's so weird, whenever I do manage to speak to one of them they act so distant, they barely say anything"

"He and Hoseok broke up"

"What?! What happened?"

"Hoseok left to the USA and he said that he couldn't have a long distant relationship with Jimin, so he ended things, an hour before he left"

"Ouch, poor Jimin. Where is he? I need to see him"

"He's upstairs"

The brunette ran up the stairs and into his best friend's bedroom. The orange haired boy didn't even flinch when he heard someone coming, thinking it was Jin who was going to try and make him eat something, again. And then he felt two strong arms wrap around his waist and a vanilla scent reached his nostrils.


"It's me, Chim" Turning around, Jimin crying into his best friend's chest. "Shh. it's okay, I'm here for you"

Slowly, Jimin calmed down in his best friends arms. The orange haired boy had told Taehyung everything that had happened the other night, including what Hoseok had said about Yoongi but he refused to talk about him with the brunette.



"I have good news" Jimin's head looked up from his friend's chest, motioning him to go on.

"I have a boyfriend"

"Jungkook?" Taehyung nodded, blushing madly.

"Oh my god, Tae that's awesome!" The two teenager's hugged, both stupidly smiling.

"When did it happen?!"

"The day of that date, we came back to my house and I invited him in. We started to watch a movie and he pulled me next to him, i don't remember when but I started looking at him, he's so beautiful and I saw him smile. He knew I was staring and I blushed so hard which made he laugh even more so I nudged him and went to sit opposite to him on the couch. But he grabbed my wrist pulling me towards him and I fell on his chest. He was looking down at me with his adorable bunny teeth and I couldn't help myself, I cupped his cheeks and kissed him an-"

"Wait you kissed him?" Taehyung blushed but nodded.

"He was surprised but then he smiled and we cuddled more"

"He didn't kiss you more??"

"No he said that he didn't want me to feel pressured or something. So we finished the movie and he was about to leave when I stopped him. I asked him if the kissed had bothered him and he said no. After that he took my hand in his and that's when he confessed that he liked me and asked me if I would do him the honor of becoming his boyfriend" Taehyung giggled, finishing his story.

"I'm so happy for you, Taehyung. Even if I never imagined you would one day be going out with Jeon Jungkook"

"Me neither, hyung. He, he apologized for all the things he did to me and he said that he'd like to apologize to you too one day"

"That's kind of him, really"

"You know, he told me that he never knew he was the reason you left the basketball team, is it true? Was it because of him?"

"Yeah, I never told you because I was embarrassed"

"It's okay, but you shouldn't be embarrassed. Jimin?"


"Do you think he'll go back to being the way he was?"

"Who, Jungkook? I don't know"

"What if he's been playing me, what if he's still a fuckboy?"

"You said Yoongi knows about you two?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Knowing Yoongi, he won't let Jungkook play with you, besides you know Jungkook now. Does he look like a fuckboy to you?"

The brunette shook his head.

"Then give him a chance Tae"

"Yeah, you're right"

"Netflix and chill?" (in a friendly way guys xD)

"Netflix and chill!"

The two boys laughed before opening the computer, both laying on the orange haired boy's bed, watching which ever movie they could find.


I hope you guys won't hate on Jimin for loving someone when his boyfriend has broken up with him. Jimin had developed feelings for Yoongi for a long time, in the first chapter he even acknowledged how beautiful he thinks Yoongi is and now that he thinks Yoongi feels the same way he's confused. So please don't hate him.


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