Bonnie X Reader: I'll Get You

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You don't remember the last four days.

Time has passed by you since that wretched day, since your heart was ripped from you, since he was ripped from you. Ripped off this earth by enemies he didn't even know he had. Well, they weren't even his enemies. He was nothing to them, just someone to use as a message, a threat.

You've been in your flat, lying in bed the whole time. Maybe you've moved since they told you, maybe you haven't, you're really not sure. No one has come to see you yet since Polly told you the news; that your Bonnie was killed by some Glaswegian gang who were looking to start a war with the Peaky Blinders. They had ambushed him and his dad in their camp in the woods, somehow completely aware of where they were camping. How they knew where to find them is a mystery to you, but in your grief, you didn't think to ask Polly how the Billy Boys knew. You had been with Bonnie for nearly a year, and even you didn't know where they camped.

A knock on your front door breaks you from your thoughts, but you don't get up to answer it. They'll go away eventually, whoever they are. Even when the knocking becomes louder and louder, you just ignore it. Only when keys rattle against the door, and it is pushed open do you look up. Through the crack in your bedroom door, you see Arthur Shelby enter, using the key that every Shelby has to your flat. He looks around for you, before catching your eye in the slit in the door.

"There you are," he grumbles as he trudges towards you. He opens the door fully and steps in, watching you lie on the bed, pity clear on his face. "C'mon, Y/N. You can't stay here forever."

"Why not?" Your voice breaks, from both grief and lack of use. Arthur sighs and walks closer, so he's standing beside you.

"You just can't. It's not healthy, and you know he wouldn't have wanted it." You're thankful Arthur didn't say his name, because you're not sure your heart could take it right now.

With a sigh and a nod, you sit up, resting your back against the headboard. He sits down on the side of the bed and rests a hand on your knee, squeezing it in a way that used to make you squeal when he did it to you growing up.

You've always been close with the Shelby's. You spent most of your childhood in the betting shop, not wanting to go home to your drunk parents. Over the years, you started to stay in their houses for longer and longer, usually following Finn around and staying at whatever relatives house he stayed in. Your relationship with him has never been romantic, but you've always been close. You're close with the whole family, in fact. That's why Arthur showing up at your flat and walking into your bedroom is something that isn't unusual to you.

"I know it's tough, but Tommy's gonna deal with McCavern," Arthur swears, and you want to believe him, but you can't help but be angry at Tommy for all this. It's his ambition that starts these wars, and this war has killed the man you love.

"Is he?" You ask, though your tone makes it clear that you don't believe it. This goes over Arthur's head, however.

"Yeah, he is. And he wants you around to see it. He wants to keep an eye on ya, so get dressed and come to the Garrison." You want to refuse and lie back down again, but you know this isn't what Bonnie would want. He would want you to get out and spend time with the people you consider to be your family. So, rather reluctantly, you get out of bed. Arthur heads for the door to give you some privacy. Before he leaves, however, you ask the one question that's been on your mind since Polly told you about the attack.

"Who's the rat, Arthur?" He pauses at the door and turns back to you, confusion all over his face.


"Who told those cunts where the Gold's were camping?" He understands your question now, but hesitates to answer.

"....We don't know," he finally replies, "but we'll find out, and your man will be avenged. You don't need to worry about it, understand?" He knows you well enough to know that you'll do anything to find out who is responsible for Bonnie's death, but not well enough to know that you're lying when you say you'll stay out of it.

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