John X Reader: A Night Out

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Nights that you get off of work are some of the best, especially when you don't have to go in the next day as well. You could relax in the bath and go to bed at whatever time you want, or you could go to the see a film and get takeaway. Honestly, you could do anything, and deciding what to pick can honestly be overwhelming at times.

That's why you're grateful when your phone buzzes and lights up, signalling that you've received a text. You're not even slightly surprised to see it's from John Shelby, your best friend and co-worker. Every time you two have the next day off, he texts you and asks to go out drinking. Even on days when you have work the next morning, he'll ask to go drinking. Unfortunately for you, your feelings for John go beyond those of friendship, so after some begging on his part, you end up saying yes, which you always regret when you're hungover the next morning while listening to Tommy give orders.

You check your phone anyway, only to see your notifications inundated with emojis, something you wish John didn't know about, like his brothers. You roll your eyes, and text back 'what time?'. Thankfully, you only have to wait for a couple of seconds before he texts back 'Now! I'm here already!'. That's one of the greatest things about John; he texts back immediately.

Already out of your work clothes and in casual wear, you simply put your phone in your pocket and grab a jacket, making sure you have enough money to keep up with John for the night. With your key in your hand, you head out the door, ready to walk to the Garrison that thankfully is only two streets away from your flat.

The walk is quick, as the streets are mostly empty at this time of the evening. The sky is already getting dark, and the air is cold but not freezing. As you walk, you find yourself getting excited for summer months, when you don't have to bundle up at all and the sun shines all day.

The lights of The Garrison come into your view, and you can hear the chatter and background music already from the speakers. While it may not be the fanciest pub or even the liveliest, it feels like home. Especially when it's full of Shelby's. Tonight though, there seems to only be one Shelby, you discover when you step inside.

John sits at the bar, an unusual spot for him. He always prefers the table in the snug where his family sits. Even when it's just him and you, he's usually back there. But he's also usually a lot more sober when you show up. Now he's giggling at seemingly nothing and his words are slurring as he thanks Harry for taking away his empty glass and putting another one in front of him.

You approach from behind, and when you're about to sit on the empty stool beside him, he finally notices you.

"Y/N!" He cheers much too loudly, attracting the attention of some people in the pub. Most are used to the noise of the Shelby clan, however, so they pay no notice. "You're finally here!"

"You only texted me 10 minutes ago, John," you point out, but then you let out a squeal as you're pulled into a hug by your drunk friend. While the hug is too tight, you can't help but love the feeling of his arms around you, and the warmth of his chest against yours. He keeps you there for longer than most people would, but given his drunken state, it's not unusual.

"It felt like fuckin' forever," he groans, rolling his eyes over dramatically as he lets you get onto the stool. You chuckle at his theatrics.

"How much have you had to drink?"

"Not much," he replies, looking down at the glass in front of him, avoiding eye contact all of a sudden. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Harry shake his head, telling you what you already know.

"Nice of you to start without me."

He chuckles and says, "I've had nothing to do all day, so I came here."

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