Isaiah X Reader: A Night At The Pictures (Smut)

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The sky grows dark outside as you finish doing your hair, when there's a knock at the door. You rush down the stairs, making sure to grab your handbag as you go, and open the door to see Isaiah waiting for you. One hand is tucked in his pocket, the other grasping a bundle of tulips that he holds out for you to take.

"Thank you," you beam as you take the flowers out of his hands, placing them in the vase by the door. You learned when you first met Isaiah that it's best to have a vase nearby, because he always brings you flowers, especially when he takes you out on a date.

"You're welcome, darling," he replies with a smile of his own, "anything for you."

He holds his arm out for you to take, which you do, and leads you out the door, closing it for you.

"Where are we going tonight then?" You ask when you realise that he didn't bring his car with him. You live in the centre of Small Heath, near the Shelby's, so you are close to most of the pubs and restaurants around. Sometimes Isaiah will show up in his car and take you outside of town to shake things up a bit, but today you know he is taking you somewhere nearby.

"The pictures, love," he tells you, looking down at you with his usual cheeky smirk. He pulls you in closer as you walk down the street together, leading you towards the pictures in Small Heath. You gasp in excitement. You love going to the pictures, and you love it even more when Isaiah goes with you. Something about seeing a picture with your boyfriend just makes the experience much more special.

"What are we seeing?" Isaiah usually lets you pick the film, since he doesn't really have an interest.

"You can pick." Yes!

"How about that new Clara Bow one?" You suggest, already knowing that Isaiah will agree. When he nods in agreement, you beam at him and reach up to kiss his cheek, making him smirk and hold his head up higher. Isaiah loves when you show affection in public. It lets every man around know that you're his woman, and he's your man.

A few more minutes of walking is all it takes for you to reach the picture house. Ever the gentleman on your dates, Isaiah holds the door open for you, gesturing for you to enter first. Once inside, he leads you to the front desk, where the owner of the establishment stands.

"Two tickets for the new Clara Bow film, please," Isaiah requests, then turns to you, "want any food?"

"Popcorn, please," you tell him. Isaiah turns back to the owner.

"And a bag of popcorn for the lady."

You reach into your handbag to pull out your purse, but before you can take any money out, Isaiah stops you.

"I've got this, love. I'm not letting my girl pay for anything on a date." You feel your cheeks heat up when Isaiah calls you his girl, something that never fails to turn your insides to mush whenever you hear it.

When the man hands you your popcorn, you link arms with Isaiah again and make your way into the screening room. Once in there, you notice that no one else is sitting in the seats. You've got the whole room to yourself, which is surprising given that this film hasn't been out long. You turn to your boyfriend with a suspicious look on your face.

"Did you arrange for us to be the only ones here?" You interrogate him. He smiles coyly, shrugging his shoulders.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." You roll your eyes and chuckle.


"I didn't want our date to be spoiled by someone else acting like a prick and talking during the film," he explains, "and I wanted you to be able to sit wherever you'd like." That makes you smile. You lean in to press a sweet kiss to his lips, pulling away before he can take it any further.

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