Finn X Reader: Unexpected

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You're too hot, much too hot. You kick the sheets off you for what feels like the hundredth time today, feeling stifled with them wrapped around you. Yet, you know in about five minutes, you'll be piling them back on you, goosebumps covering your skin when it suddenly becomes too cold. Pregnancy can be a nightmare, and you don't understand how you ever thought it was all rainbows and sunshine.

At seven months along, you're quite big. So big that when you lie on your back, a mini mountain blocks your view of what lies straight ahead. Not only that, your belly is so heavy that your back is constantly sore. It's one of the reasons Polly has put you on bed rest, combined with the dizziness you've been suffering the last two weeks, and the fact that this is your first child.

Despite all this, and the morning sickness, and the constantly changing emotions, you are actually excited about having a baby. Terrified, but excited. Sure, they weren't planned, but you were still quite happy when you found out, and even ecstatic when you told Finn, and he wanted to keep it.

The two of you are only young, but you've been friends since you were 4, and together since you were 15. Being in love with him for so many years, of course you thought about marriage and children and growing old together. However, you did think that these would come later, but you probably shouldn't have been so surprised, considering you and Finn had been having sex since you were 18.

When you started getting sick just before your 20th birthday, you went to Polly first, who confirmed your suspicions. By that point, you were two months pregnant. Of course, you told Finn straight away, who took it a lot better than you thought he would. Instead of running off down the pub to drown his sorrows in whisky, he only panicked a bit, before assuring you that the two of you could get through this, and that he was going to do the right thing. He got a ring, and your family's blessing, and in no time at all, the two of you were married, all before you had even started showing.

Married life is certainly a lot different to the way you used to live, though you put it down to the fact that you two are already expanding your family before you even got used to living together. That, and Finn now has to do most of the cleaning and shopping. The cooking is done by Polly or one of the other Shelby women, as you've learned not to trust Finn in the kitchen after he nearly burned it down when he tried to make you dinner on your birthday.

Even though he seems to be fine with all these new responsibilities, you can't help but worry. Just under a year ago, he was spending plenty of his nights in the Garrison, drinking with his brothers and Isaiah, meeting you the next morning with a hangover most of the time. Nowadays, with you on bed rest at the insistence of Polly, he hasn't had a night out in two weeks, which will only get longer when the baby comes. He says he wants to be a more present father than his own, as well as his brothers, who more often than not will leave their kids with their wives or a nanny, so they can spend most nights out. They're all older than him and still manage to get out of the house and go drinking together, so how will he handle staying in with the baby when the time comes?

You hear the front door open then, and Finn grunting as he carries in this week's shopping.

"I'm back, love!" He calls out.

"I'm in here!" You shout back, even though he knows where you are. God, you're getting sick of this room. You hear him shuffling around and putting things away. Once he's done, he comes into the bedroom, smiling when he sees you. In his hand is a small bag of sweets from the nearby bakery.

"Hey, love. I got you these," he mumbles as he hands you the bag, which you take gratefully. You pat the space beside you, and Finn toes off his shoes, then joins you on the bed. You offer him a sweet, which he accepts, quickly stuffing it in his mouth, making you tut.

"Don't just throw it in there! You could choke!" You scold, making him grin.

"Alright, mum," he teases, but makes sure to chew the sweet carefully for your sake. He's taken to calling you 'mum' or 'mummy' over the last few months as a joke, but also because he claims he's getting used to calling you that for when the baby comes.

"How was shopping?" You ask, though you don't expect the answer to be exciting. It was only a short walk down the road, how much could've happened?

"It was fine. I bumped into Isaiah on the way there, and we talked for a bit, but he was on his way to the gym to meet up with Bonnie, so he left."

"Oh." Usually, Finn would join them, even though he's never been a good fighter. Instead, he's sitting here with you, sitting in bed and eating cheap sweets.

Somehow, your usually oblivious husband notices your tone of voice and the frown on your face, and his brow furrows.

"What's wrong?" His angelic face holds a look of concern, which makes your heart melt. Finn has worried about you constantly since you got pregnant, and tries his best to make you feel better when he notices that you're upset. You feel like you haven't been returning the favour enough over the last few months.

"Do you miss hanging out with them all the time?" You ask, "because I know you haven't had the chance to in a while." He looks thoughtful, but then shrugs nonchalantly.

"I still see them and talk to them, but I've got a kid on the way, and neither of them do, so they have more time to go out," he explains like it's obvious, but you still feel that it's unfair on him.

"But don't you wish you could spend more time with them?" is a lot easier than asking 'do you wish I wasn't pregnant?'

"I see them all the time, love," he chuckles, still not getting what you're really asking him, "I'm just not drinking as much with them. Why are you worried about all this?"

"Because I got pregnant young, so we had to marry young, and I'm just scared that you'll regret it soon." He looks absolutely gobsmacked at your words.

"Why would I regret it? I can't wait to be a dad!" He exclaims.

"This wasn't exactly planned, though," you point out, "we're still young, and all our friends get to go out and drink any time they want, especially the lads."

"Yeah, I didn't think we'd have our first kid this young, but I always knew I wanted to have kids with you. It just happened sooner than we thought." That made you pause.

"You always knew?"

"Since I was 13," he smiles softly, wrapping both arms around you, hands resting on your bump, "I've always wanted to settle down with you, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to go out with my mates all the time when we had children. So what if it's happening a few years earlier? It's not like we're the youngest to do it." Your usually not so bright husband has a point there, because John was only 16 when he became a dad, and Ada was the same age as you two when she had Karl. Even Polly had her first child young.

"I'm just worried that you'll miss out on a lot," you confess timidly.

"I've been drinking and fighting for years, there's not much else I can miss out on, is there? I'm starting a family now with my wife, and I don't want to miss out on that just so I can go to the pub every night." His sweet words fill you with joy, and you realise that he's right, that this baby growing in you is a whole new chapter of your lives." And besides," he adds," it's not like I'll never go out again. We'll both need nights off from time to time, or we'll lose it."

You giggle, and he kisses your nose affectionately.

"Don't worry about it, Y/N. I'm happy we're having this baby, and I'm glad you're my wife."

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