Bonnie X Reader: Reunited

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"C'mon, dove, we were supposed to be there half an hour ago."

"Sorry, Bon, I can't find my bracelet."

You're running around like a headless chicken looking for the bracelet that you've had ever since you can remember. You want to say that your mother gave it to you, but you can't be sure, because the woman who raised you is not your mother.

You don't remember how exactly you ended up with your adopted parents but you know you weren't always with them. It's as if there's a block in your mind, with only loud voices filling the void. Your earliest visual memory is your adopted parents introducing themselves to you at the age of four. Over the years they tried their hardest to make you forget about this event and see them as your real parents, but after years of failing at this they eventually kicked you out for asking too many questions about your past. Well, that and sneaking out to meet with a lad they don't approve of.

That lad just so happens to be the dark haired beauty that's helping you look for that bracelet from your past. You met Bonnie six months ago when you snuck out with a friend to watch her cousin compete in a boxing match in London, where the two of you were raised. All throughout the fight, you had your eye on the competitor, and when the fight ended and he was victorious, you walked right up to him to congratulate him. Your parents would have been horrified if they saw you walk right up to a man and start a conversation with him when there was no need to. They would say it wasn't ladylike to go after a man in such an obvious manner, but you never had a problem with speaking your mind.

The boxer also had no problem with your behaviour, because he was introducing himself and asking you if you were free the next day, after some encouragement from his father, that is. From there on, whenever Bonnie Gold was in London, you found a way to spend the day with him without your parents knowing.

But then they caught you, fingers linked with the man who was quickly stealing your heart with only a look and a sweet smile. After years of your wild behaviour, seeing you with a boy they found out was from Birmingham sent them over the edge. You were told to pack your things and get out of their house. Thankfully, while you were packing, Bonnie was phoning his employer and arranging for you to have somewhere to stay. Bonnie came back to you with two options: stay with a woman and her son in London or have a flat to yourself in Small Heath, Birmingham. With nothing to keep you in London and a possible future with your lover awaiting you in Birmingham, the choice was obvious.

That's why you are currently in your new flat in Small Heath, getting ready to meet Bonnie's employers and friends in the pub they own. You usually know exactly where you put your bracelet whenever you take it off, but ever since you entered Small Heath you've felt a bit out of it. Something about the place has you feeling nervous yet excited at the same time. Maybe it's just the fact that this is your new life now and you're just having trouble getting used to it.

"Found it!" Bonnie calls out from the bathroom. He comes out with the dainty silver band in his hand, a relieved grin on his face.

"Oh, thank God!" You exclaim, holding your hand out to take it from him. He shakes his head instead, undoing the latch and wrapping it around your wrist for you, then fastening it.

"I don't understand how you can put this on by yourself. It seems like a hassle." He tells you.

You shrug your shoulders in reply.

"It takes a while sometimes, but I like to wear it."

On your way out, Bonnie grabs his peaked cap and your coat, helping you get into it. He then opens the door for you and locks it behind you. You kiss his cheek as a thank you, but that quickly leads to his lips claiming yours softly. He presses you against the door and wraps his arms around you, keeping you pinned between him and the door.

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