Finn X Reader: Dance With Me Tonight

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"Christ, this is dull."

"I know, right? Everyone here is a posh twat."

"Even my family?"

"They're well on their way to becoming posh twats."

Finn snorts, but shakes his head.

"Nah, only Tommy wants to be posh, and Polly can play the part well, but it's not the life she wants either."

"You'll never be like that though, will you?" You ask with a smirk, turning in your seat to face him. He turns his head to look at you, tearing his gaze away from the party guests.

"You think I could ever be a posh twat?" He chuckles.

"Maybe not posh."

Finn's wheezing laughter and your loud chuckling catches the attention of several people nearby, most of whom shoot you dirty looks for your impropriety. The two of you usually wouldn't care, but when Finn's eyes land on Tommy, who looks annoyed at his brother's and your antics, he grows quiet and nervous. He pokes you in the arm, motioning to Tommy across the room, and you quickly stifle your laughter until you calm down completely.

"We're not going to be able to have any fun here, are we?" You ask, though you already know the answer. Finn shakes his head anyway with a frown on his face.

"Nah, Tommy wants us prim and proper tonight," he jokes, then adds in a sincere tone, "I'm glad you came with me. These things are boring when I'm on my own."

You smile at him gently, "anything for you, Finn." Leaning forward, you plant a chaste kiss on his lips, pulling away quickly before you two cause some 'scandal'. You look around the room with a vacant expression, until the band in the corner plays a slow song that has couples moving to the dance floor, giving you an idea. "Come on, let's go dance."

You're already pulling Finn out of his chair and over to the dance floor before you've even finished your sentence.

"Do you even know how to dance? Because I can't."

"No, and that's going to be the fun part!" You explain, a grin lighting up your features. Finn's eyes widen in disbelief.

"Tommy will kill us if we cause a scene."

"Well then Tommy should've got his younger brother dancing lessons," you snort at the image in your head of Finn in a dance class, "we're just playing our roles and fitting in."

Reaching the dance floor, you turn to face Finn and place one hand on his shoulder, readjusting the one that's in his, so you two are holding hands properly. He looks unsure.

"Am I leading?" He asks you.

"Yeah, just put your hand on my waist, and, um...." you trail off, unsure of what to do after that, "copy them." You gesture to the couple beside you.

Finn cautiously puts his hand on your lower back and looks at the man beside him, watching him lead the woman he's dancing with. Once he feels he knows what to do, he steps forward, immediately treading on your toes, causing you to yelp quietly.

"I'm so sorry," Finn exclaims, "I was just copying him."

"It's alright," you reassure him, "I was just surprised. It didn't hurt that much. Let's try again."

And so he does. This time, you look down and watch his feet slowly move, literally following his footsteps. You two aren't moving fast or smoothly, but it feels like it's all going well. That is, until you begin to speed up and Finn backs you into another pair, causing them to stumble.

"Sorry!" You both cry, and you actually mean it until they both give you dirty looks, something that you then notice about most of the couples surrounding you. They look at the two of you as if you're the scum of the Earth, and that's when you decide to drop the charade. Who cares what they think? They're all a bunch of twats anyway.

"Fuck this, Finn," you growl, "we're going to dance however we want. Let's give them something to glare at." With that, you put his hand on your shoulder, and place yours on his waist, revelling in the sour looks of those around you.

You do better at leading than Finn did, but you don't care how well you dance, just that you have fun doing it. And you do. Even Finn starts to laugh when the two of you take turns spinning out and then coming back. Everyone around you glares, but you don't care. Even when Tommy gives you two a dirty look, all you do is give him a cheeky wink back, and continue dancing with his brother until the music gets livelier.

"This is fuckin' brilliant!" Finn yells over the music.

"It is!" You cheer with glee. "You think Tommy will ever let you invite me again?" Finn throws his head back and lets out the loudest laugh of the night.

"Not a chance!"

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