Bonnie x Reader: Christmas Dinner

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Sitting on your bed all alone, feeling your stomach twist into a knot at the thought of how today is going to go, you start to wonder why you agreed to meet Bonnie's family for the first time on Christmas day. Of all the days of the year to meet your boyfriend's family, why pick a holiday? Not only could you mess up your first meeting and cause them to hate you, but you could ruin Christmas for everyone, and you'd remember it for years to come.

Are you being a bit overdramatic? Perhaps, but Bonnie's family all seem so intimidating to you, especially because there's so many of them.

A knock on the door pulls you out of your worrying. Taking a moment after you stand up to brush off any thread or crumbs attached to your outfit, you quickly look yourself over in the mirror, straightening out the green Christmas jumper Bonnie suggested you wear. Deciding that you look presentable, you make your way downstairs, opening the front door to see Bonnie with a huge grin on his face, eyes lit up with unrestrained glee. He had told you that Christmas is his favourite time of the year before, and that he can't contain his excitement during the day. You find it adorable, and his happiness almost makes you forget about your anxiety.

"Merry Christmas!" Bonnie exclaims, before stepping in the front door and pulling you in for a tight hug, his arms squeezing your sides a bit too tight, but you don't have the heart to complain. His hugs are always so nice and warm, you could just melt in his embrace. Your arms snake around his neck in return, and you nuzzle your nose into his cheek, pressing a kiss there afterwards.

"Merry Christmas, darling," you mumble as you separate. His smile grows wider at your show of affection, and he kisses your cheek too before kissing you on the lips. The kiss is short, but you feel his love for you in the way his lips push against yours so sweetly.

"You ready to go?" He asks when he pulls away. The question brings back all the bad feelings, and without you even noticing, your lips droop into a frown. Bonnie sees it, though, and a look of concern takes over his face. "What's wrong, dove?"

"Nothing, I'm fine," you try to brush off his concern with a forced smile, but he knows you too well for it to work.

"Darling, it's Christmas. I can't have you being upset during Christmas!" He reasons, giving you puppy eyes until you sigh and give in. Damn, why does he have to be so cute?

"I'm just nervous, Bon. That's all," you explain, looking at your hands as you fidget with them awkwardly, "I really want your family to like me, and I'm scared they won't." His hands grasp your shoulders in a loose yet firm grip.

"Look at me, dove," you do as he says and see nothing but sincerity in his eyes, "there's nothing to worry about. They're all going to love you, especially once they see how happy I am when I'm with you." A shy smile makes its way onto your face, and Bonnie smiles back, pleased to see you looking less afraid.

"Alright then, I believe you. Let's go, I don't want to show up late." With that, you grab the bag of presents for Bonnie's family you left by the door last night after you finished wrapping them, and head out the door. Bonnie helped you pick out all of them, as you had no clue what to get, and he managed to find you gifts that didn't cost too much, as with his father, his three sisters, their husbands, and all of their kids, you were worried you would be broke by the time you finished shopping.

As you lock the door behind you, Bonnie takes the bag out of your hand.

"Let me carry that for you, dove. It's heavy with all these gifts." You thank him, and let him lead you to his car, where he puts the bag on the back seat.

On the drive there, you don't say much, both of you preferring to hum along to the Christmas songs on the CD Bonnie plays. You breathe deeply and slowly, willing yourself to stay calm, to remember that everything will be fine. The cool air in the car helps keep you grounded, and you're glad Bonnie hasn't put on the heater. You watch as he drives further and further into the countryside, to the house Bonnie's father had built recently. This would be their first Christmas in that house as a family, and yours with them at all. God, even the amount of firsts happening is making you nervous. Instead, you focus on humming the tune of Michael Bublé's version of 'Winter Wonderland', finding the song rather relaxing and cheerful.

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