Chapter Three

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Elizabeth "Liz" Gillies is playing Winter! Picture of her is on the top/side! She was my favourite character on Victorious to be honest. Like, come on, who didn't like Jade?? That's one XD

Sometimes when someone feels sad, they ignore those around them to try and reduce the pain. Even if it's only going to make the pain worse. But sometimes, people are so good at hiding their pain, no one ever suspects that they're hurting.

Luke and Winter both had that in common. But their methods of coping with sadness when their alone are completely different.

When Luke is feeling sad, he binges on food and forces himself to throw up. Or he won't eat at all. Winter on the other hand likes feel control. Making destruction. Some may think this coping method is psychotic, but it really isn't.

No, she doesn't set orphanages on fire and laugh as the children burn. But, she did like lighting things on fire. Old quizzes, childhood toys, random branches, old photographs. Whatever can be demolished, Winter would set fire to it. She enjoyed watching the items become destroyed physically, while she was being destroyed emotionally.

Nobody knew it, but Winter was never happy. She'd see all these kids smiling and laughing, her veins filling with envy. She's only ever wanted happiness. So she forced herself to seem that way.

Winter would smile at absolutely everyone, even people she hated. She'd compliment at least one person a day, make sure she saw everyone around her smile, and lastly, Winter would try and act like everything was okay. When in reality, it wasn't.

When Winter first saw Luke, she's not gonna lie, she thought he was beautiful. Not cute, not hot, but beautiful. She'd seen him in class before, studying his features, and taking in his essence. He also looked sad. And no one should be sad, especially not someone as kind and beautiful as Luke.

Winter already knew Michael, mainly because he knew her cousin Matt. She groaned as she remember how her mother wasn't going to be, so she had to go home with him. Stopping at her locker to get her physics notebook, Winter glanced in the tiny mirror, frowning at herself. She had bags under eyes from all the stress she's let come into her life.

Standing in her tippy toes to get textbooks, Winter thought of compliments she could say to Luke today. Nice eyes? No, that was too creepy. You have a pretty smile, you should use it more? Maybe, but that will only work if he smiles at her today.

Winter scrunched her nose, hissing in pain when she scraped her forearm on her locker. Glancing around, Winter quickly checked her arm, frowning when her burn was scraped a bit. The night before, she was feeling particularly frustrated and took out on her old history binder. She ended up burning herself, earning an ugly red mark.

Rubbing some Polysporin, on her arms. Suddenly, a tap was felt on her shoulder, and she turned to see Ashton smiling sheepishly at her. Winter smiled back, shutting her locker door and holding her books to her chest.

"Hey, Ashton," she greeted. He smiled at her, tugging at then ends of his sleeves. He nervously bit his bottom lip, glancing around the halls with a longing expression. Winter smirked, clarifying, "I don't know where Matt is."

Ashton blushed, glaring at her as he said in a small voice, "I wasn't looking for Matt,"

Winter rolled her eyes, lopping their arms together. She assured Ashton it was cute, skipping down to class with him. Ashton was bright red by the time they got to their Physics class. But, he was still giggling and smiling by the end of their journey.

Ashton held the door open for Winter, but was suddenly turned around, and kissed on the lips. If it was even possible, his blush deepened in colour when he saw Matt smiling at him.

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