Chapter Four

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How Ashton looks on the side/top! And for you people who aren't weird kids, a taste of We Are The In Crowd is on the side/too as well!

"Say it," Jack demanded, sitting smugly on Luke's chest. Luke glared at him, feeling it difficult to breath. He punched his brother's chest, breaths coming out in puffs with each hit. "I said say it, Lucas."

"No!" Luke shouted. Jack grabbed a hold of his arms, pinning them down. "Get off!"

"I told you, I'm not getting off until you say it," Jack tapped Luke's cheek, causing Luke to blow raspberries in his face. Jack glared at Luke, wiping his face, "Fine, then you leave me with no choice."

Luke felt his sides being pushed in, causing laughter to escape his lips. He laughed uncontrollably, squirming under Jack's grip even more. Laughing to the extent that it was silently, Luke's face bright red, he nodded slightly.

"What's that?" Jack said, cupping his ear with his hand.

"I-I'll tell Julie that I sc-scraped my arm in gym, o-okay? N-Now get off!" When Jack stood up, Luke felt it much easier to breath. Getting up to shut his bedroom so he could change for the day, Luke's phone buzzed on his bedside table. He assumed it would be Michael, but was surprised to see it was Winter.

[Winter ;D]: Good morning :)

Luke smiled shyly, despite no one being around him, texting back a quick good morning with a random emoji. Walking to his closet, Luke put on a blink-182 t-shirt and ripped skinny jeans, pulling on a beanie. When glanced at himself in his full length mirror, Luke found himself frowning.

He didn't like the way he looked. His biggest worry now wasn't everyone at school think he was fat, but more Winter. She could actually like him, and if she thought he was fat, how could she like him? Nervously running his fingers through his hair, Luke grabbed his backpack, running down the stairs. He glared at Jack, squirming slightly when Julie kissed his cheek, and ruffled his hair.

"Oh, my God, what's happened to your arm?" Jack said with fake concern. Luke deepened his scowl, roughly placing his sweater on.

When Julie saw it, she quickly shrugged his jacket off his arms, gasping at the large red scrape on his elbow. Pushing the sleeve of his t-shirt up so his arm wasn't covered, she brushed her fingers against his cut, looking at Luke for an explanation. He opened his mouth, and then closed it, shrugging. Julie sat him down, grabbing a wash cloth and some Ploysporin. Luke tried to assure her that he was fine, but Julie shushed him.

"Oh, you poor baby! What happened to my wittle Lukey?" She kissed it slightly, rubbing it with the cloth despite it being clean. Rubbing in the Ploysporin, Julie, walked to the cupboards and grabbed the Spider-man bandages Luke picked out with her at the grocery store.

When she put the bandage on, she kissed Luke's cut, causing him to blush at the babied actions he was given. Taking the salad Julia made him, he put it in his lunch box, feeling a hand being placed on his shoulder.

Luke glanced up to see his dad, who he usually never saw. His father smiled down at him awkwardly, Luke returning the favour. Sitting next to each other in silence, Julie slide Luke a boy of Honey Nut Cheerios, handing her husband his coffee with a kiss.

"So, Luke," his dad said in an uncomfortable tone. "How's gym class?"

Luke shrugged, taking a bite of his cereal. "Good, I guess,"

"Have you joined any clubs? Sports?" Luke shook his head no, taking another bite of his breakfast. He ignore the dropping feeling at the bottom of his spine. "Friends? Come on, you've gotta have more friends besides that odd colourful haired boy."

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