9. Shameless

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Chad is having a gathering with some friends from Campus. It's a hot day. He is eating popsicle while carrying his cat.

Someone suddenly snatches his ice away with his mouth.

Someone suddenly snatches his ice away with his mouth

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"Thanks for the ice!"

Shane smirks. He has decided to be shameless. He would pursue Chad until everyone knows he is totally smitten to him.

He fears Chad would fall in love with someone else in the future.

Their friends are shaking their heads. Shane has been chasing Chad since a week ago.

Chad asks, "When would you stop?"

"The minute you become my boyfriend."

"Why you kept pestering me?" asks him in helpless tone.

Shane loves his face. He is a proud man. To act shameless like this in front of everyone. It isn't his style.

Shane replies seriously, "You keep avoiding me. I just have to keep pursuing you until we got together."

Toda sneers when he drinks a huge glass of ice lemon tea. He still remembers what Shane told him in the island.

It's useless to change others. It's impossible to change the world. The only one you could change is yourself. To adapt with situation. To adapt with people.

To reap what you have wanted. You need to understand the one you loves. Not trying to change him. Change himself (Toda) to win his heart. Win and win solutions for everyone. That's should be the goal.

If one side won, the other side is lost. No one could really be happy, especially in a love relationship.

Toda drinks the ice tea in silent.

Ryan is a true face con.

Toda would never have a chance with his huge birthmark. So he had it removed. He even hired a personal stylist to get better fashionable look.

He knows Ryan is staring him. Toda decides to play dumb.

Shane told him about the one month agreement.

Foolish Ryan. He always likes wrong Alpha. Can't he see Shane is totally smitten to Chad.

Most of his friends have left the garden area. Chad and Shane are spreading too much free dog foods. Too much for single dogs like them to handle.

Toda grabs his glass and leaves too.

Shane is still hugging Chad from behind, trying to coax him.

Toda has known Chad forever. From his body gestures, he knows his buddy is secretly enjoying this PDA. Otherwise Toda would have interfered sooner.

Ryan chases after him.

Toda stops walking. He doesn't turn around.

He asks, "You need something?"

"Why you never contact me anymore?"


He isn't lying. He is going to built his company soon. Can't keep asking money from his parents like a parasite.

Toda keeps walking again.


Ryan hugs him from behind.

He pleads, "I was wrong, okay? Please forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt you."

When you have someone in your life since you're a toddler. When you got used to him and took his presence for granted. When you lost him, that's what true heartbroken.

Toda sighs.

He asks,"Until when? Until a cooler Alpha showed up and sweep your heart away again? Sorry. I'm not a spare tire. I'm a good person. I know I deserve a better partner in life."

Ryan is crying when he leaves him.

Toda punches a wall after he leaves him. Where Ryan couldn't see him.

He almost gave in again. Seeing Ryan cries bitterly like that. He needs to be strong. He needs a loyal partner. Someone who wouldn't betray him for another Alpha.

He needs Ryan to be that someone. To hold his commitment.

"Ryan, I only want you. Half of your heart just isn't enough for me..."

He rubs his knuckle.

In other part of the mountain villa, Chad is blushing deeply. Shane has kissed him.


Don't call it a kiss. More like a frontal assault to his lips.

Shane has used guerilla war tactic. He would assault him with kisses and hugs whenever Chad isn't ready.

It's like playing hide and seek with him.

Chad has no choice but to hide in his room to avoid him.

He hits a pillow to vent his frustration.

He complaints, "He did this on purpose, didn't he? Making me wanting him."

He closes his eyes. Memories from the past life flash in his mind.

They argued a lot. Always made up again after great sex.

"Gosh, am I such wanton slut? Nope! Won't give in to him this time."

He hits the pillow few times more. He sighs.

"Damn it! I want him so badly..."

His chrysanthemum misses him. In this life he is still a virgin.

He has vowed to stay away from Shane Moss when he rebirthed again.

"Damn you! If I broke my vow, I'll take your last name. It won't happen, you hear me!"

Chad kept cursing, vowing to strengthen his heart to avoid Shane Moss.

Shane is busy in the kitchen. He has bought some ingredients from nearby shop. He starts cooking soon afterwards. It's a good thing this villa is equipped with cooking utensils.

Chad's mouth watered when he sniffs the fragrant smell from the kitchen. He is stunned to see Shane is cooking lunch.

He asks, "When did you learn to cook?"

"Since I vowed to win my wifey back in my life."

All those sugar coated words make others nauseous. Their friends decide to stay away from the kitchen for a while.

It's impossible for Chad not to feel touched. He has tried to cook for Shane in his past life. He knew all the hard work in the kitchen.

Shane pushes him to sit down on a chair. He prepares a portion of lasagna for him. Spaghetti and meat balls.

Apple pie.

Chad asks, "You bought this for me?"

It would take hours from here to Shane's workplace.

Shane replies, "I made it. Try it."

Chad takes a bite. Sweet and crunchy. Just like the one made in the Cafe.

Shane whispers to his ear, "Be with me. I will feed you the best food in your life."

Chad blushes. He did it on purpose. He knows ears are his sensitive parts.

He shakes his head.

Shane wouldn't know about it. He isn't rebirth like him.

Toda snatches a portion of lasagna before he leaves the dining room. Disturbing people in love. You would get lightning retribution.

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