25. Karma

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"Ling Xiang?" calls Ling Wen

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"Ling Xiang?" calls Ling Wen.

His little sister looks more beautiful than the last time he has seen her.


Ling Wen says nothing, fearing she realizes he is a fake one.

She begins to sob.

She complaints, "Zhao Yun divorced me. After all these years we went through. Please advise him."

She is lying. Although they were forced to get married, Zhao Yun never touched her. They have lived in different rooms since their wedding day.

Ling Wen sighs.

He confesses,"I don't think he would listen to me."

"Why? What's so good about you? Why men are crazy about you?"

A knife is drawn in a flash. It's too late for Ling Wen to avoids it. He got stabbed in stomach just like in previous life.

A man jumps down from the wall and kicks her away. Ling Wen falls back but Yu Fei catches him.

Ling Xiang laughs maniacally, "You bewitched everyone! Die! Die!"

Thirteen knocks her out. He rubs his nose. He just left his post few minutes ago due stomach ache. When he returned, Ling Wen has been injured.

It's a good thing Master has returned from the Palace.

Yu Fei presses his sleeve to stop the bleeding.

He scolds, "Useless! Go find a doctor!"


The shadow guard leaps over the wall easily.

Yu Fei says over and over again, "Don't die, okay. Don't ever leave me."

"Xiao Bao..."

"He is okay."

"Wen? Wen?"

It's already dark when Ling Wen finally opens his eyes again. Yu Fei immediately rises from his seat the minute Wen moves a bit.

His eyes are red. He looks haggard with stubbles. It's clear Yu Fei hasn't been slept for days.


Yu Fei helps him to drink a glass of water. Ling Wen got choked. He coughs a little. Yu Fei rubs his back to sooth him.

Ling Wen blushes deeply. The dream flashes in his mind again. He covers his face with a hand.

He asks, "Why did you come?"

Yu Fei is stunned for few minutes. He can't confess he has been stalking him.

He comments, "I wanna buy your soaps."


Ling Wen finally notices the fragrant smell from Yu Fei. It's totally different from before. No wonder rumors have been calling him as Fragrant Flower General.

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