16. Second Date

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Yu Fei rubs his chin. The book said he needs to find good spot for dating.

A beach is very recommended in top ten list of dating spots.

Capital city has no beach. There is a big harbor town southwest from here.

Yu Fei has done his work for the next three days. It's time for a short vacation a.k.a date with Ling Wen.

Imagine white sandy beach. Rolling waves. Holding hands, walking on the beach with bare feet. Super romantic. His ger would definitely fall in love with him on spot.


Yu Fei is glaring at his men. Da Niu, Er Kang and San Lu have tagged along. He doesn't need mosquitoes among them.

His mind travelled to yesterday.

He said to Ling Wen, "We are going to Wun Ning, a harbor town southwest from capital city."


"Yes. Don't you want to come with me?"

"I will go as ordered."

Yu Fei tilted his head. The ger didn't seem interested in going.

He persuaded, "It's one of the largest harbor in this country. You could find almost anything there."

Wen nodded his head. He has been trying to find spices. Maybe he would try his luck over there.

Finally Yu Fei earned a smile. He vowed to make Wen smiled more often.

It's supposed to be a romantic date

An Emperor's decree changed everything. The annoying fourth brother ordered him to negotiate with foreigners. To change the terms in business deal.

Yu Fei had to bring some men because he needed precautions. The foreigners are very cunning folks. From a romantic getaway into a business trip.

Such a bad luck!

Yu Fei sworn he is still a stinky bachelor because of his fourth brother, the Emperor.

Wen glances at Yu Fei. The general's face looks murderous. He looks another way when Yu Fei notices his gaze.

Suddenly Yu Fei feels a lot better. He has to deal with noisy foreigners. At least Wen is travelling with him.

He will finish the deal and go for a romantic date.

His men are walking on foot. Yu Fei is riding his horse. Wen and his son are in a carriage. Xiao Bao has brought Peanut, his monkey.

San Lu comments, "Sweet looking ger. No wonder he fell for him."

Da Niu hushes him. San Lu doesn't want his head anymore. If the general heard him, all of them shall be punished.

As usual, Shadow Guards are protecting Yu Fei without being noticed.

Thirteen is pondering if he could ever quit from babysitting. His main task is to protect Wen and his son. The other guards are mocking behind his back. The most powerful Shadow Guard is a babysitter.


Ling Wen gasps when he sees the beach.

Yu Fei smirks. The book is right. Gers are always romantic beings.

Wen rushes to the beach and his son follows him. He touches a coconut tree. His mind goes to various fried dishes.

People use animal fats to fry. The result is expensive dishes. Most folks only eat boiled or steamed foods.

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