5. Kidnapped

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"I'm sorry, Daddy... Sorry..."

"Silly boy. Why are you crying again?"

Ling Wen hugs him and kisses his forehead.

He asks, "Are you hungry? Here, I got something tasty for you.".

Ling Wen offers him the bread.

Xiao Bao smiles and bites it hastily. He never eat such tasty meal.

"Slow down. There is still more."

Ling Wen wipes away his tears using his sleeve.

The hunter says nothing when he sees  the ger gave all his foods to his boy. He leaves the cave to give them some space.

"Daddy, have you eaten?"

"Yes, of course."

His honest stomach grumbles as a protest.

His son laughs and he tears the bread apart. Half bread into a quarter bread. It isn't much. At least it could feel his belly a little.

They eat the bread happily.

"Daddy, I'm sorry..."

"You got that right! You should never runaway from home again. You got it?"

"Because of me. You got kicked out..."

"Not true. Whatever had happened, a child is innocent. Xiao Bao, you are my treasure. Don't ever leave me, okay? You all I got."


Ling Wen wipes away his tears.

He says softly, "Don't cry again. You are innocent. I love you, okay? That's all you need to know."

"Daddy, I'm going to be rich when I grow up. We will live in a big mansion with many servants."

"Listen to your good words."

It's already mid morning. Ling Wen decides it's time to leave. The hunter is waiting outside the cave.

Ling Wen apologizes, "Sorry for the troubles."

The hunter frowns.

This ger isn't from simple backgrounds. His manners aren't like a peasant. His clothes might look old and full of patches. They are made from good materials. Ordinary peasants won't be able to buy them.

"Who are you?" asks the hunter.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Ling Wen. This is Ling Bao, my son. Say hello, Xiao Bao."

"Hello, uncle."

Ling Wen asks, "You are..."

"Yu Fei."

"Brother Fei. Thank you for your help. Don't know what I do if I lost him."

Xiao Bao looks downward. He has given his Daddy a lot of troubles. Looking for him in the woods at night. His Daddy has a fragile body.

What if he got sick again?

The three of them walk down together.

Ling Bao is too tired to walk anymore. His Daddy is going to carry him. The hunter lifts him up easily on his back.

Wen says, "Sorry for the troubles."

"It's okay."

They meet a group of men on the way.

A tall and sturdy man greets, "Master."

The hunter makes a hand gesture to stop talking.

The men only look at each others after they leave.

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