11. Paving Road To Future

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The building is old but still useable. He knocks on the walls. Sound sturdy enough. He might look young like a spring chicken.

In the past life, Shane is already an experienced builder. He started his real estate company from scratch. Just like Toda.

The only difference is the scale. Toda's company is three times bigger than him.

The owner rubs his hands. His old mother just died and he's eager to sell off the inheritance. Ready to move away from this county. To a better province and starts over.

Shane asks, "Your price is a bit higher. Could you lower the price?"

The smile disappears from his face.

His voice is full with hostility when he answers, "Listen, kid. If you got no money, just leave. I got another buyer coming."

He is lying. They both know it. This area is underdeveloped in this county.

Shane scratches his head. It's hard to find a golden egg like this. It won't fall from the sky everyday.

He shouldn't have let his pride controlled him. If he hadn't insisted paying the hospital bills, his money would be enough to settle this deal.

Six years later, this area would be known as golden triangle. One of the largest business center in this country.

If he has a piece of land here, his future would be guaranteed as a young billionaire.

Shane shows his wechat account.

He says, "Just short 5,000 yuans. Could you please give me a discount?"

"No. The price is fixed."

Shane sighs. His shoulders slump when he walks back to his motorcycle.

The owner looks doubtful. It's hard to find a decent buyer for this old house. Unlike other seller, he doesn't fix the leaking roof or paint the walls. Saving more money in his opinion. He is going to sell it anyway.


He stares the motorcycle.

The owner smiles when he asks, "Isn't that money too?"

Shane stares his bike.

He smiles when he says, "Sure. I'll add this motorcycle in the payment."

One motorcycle and all his money in his account for the old house.

Shane inhales a deep breath. The house might smell moldy and damp. It's the sweet smell of money for his nose.

They find a respected notary and sign the deed. For the first time in this world, Shane is a land owner.

He goes home to tell his mom about it.

Shane leaves the hospital the next day before his family has a chance to visit him.

Mom is worried sick for him. It's the first time, his son got hospitalized.

Shane roasts a duck to celebrate his first time as a land owner. He separates few juicy pieces and puts them in a box. One shouldn't forget his foodie boyfriend when making tasty foods.

Mom and sister eat the delicious treat.

His mom asks, "You won a lottery?"

"I'm a land owner now."

He shows the land certificate to them. It's the real deal. The notary had checked the certificate authentication before Shane paid it.

Mom drops her chopsticks. Sister's mouth is wide opened. A fly could fly in smoothly.

Shane takes a new pairs of chopsticks for his mom. He picks up the dirty ones and tosses them to sink.

Mom asks, "Are you insane? How much money you have paid for it?"

His family knows that place is out of nowhere. Well known as a place to dump unwanted babies. Just a myth. No one really did it in reality.

Shane puts the certificate away. His family pities him for making a dumb investment.

He explains,"Mom, I just need a place to live. It's better to have a home than to rent one."

"You have stayed under my roof for years," grumbles mom.

"Mom, sooner or later, I will get marry. It's time to plan my future."

He won't tell them the land would be valuable in the future. Who knows he got lucky and bought another patch of land in that area.

He isn't going to smash his own foot with a large rock.

Their small apartment only has two bedrooms. Mom and sister share one. He occupies the other one.

"It's time for her to have her own bedroom."

His sister supports his decision of moving out. She can't wait to have her own bedroom.

Mom protests, "You know how expensive the land tax? Could you afford it?"

"Don't worry, mom. I have calculated it. I won't buy it if I didn't have confidence to pay the tax."


"It's okay. The house has few spare bedrooms. I could rent them to fellow students. The location isn't far from school. It would be popular."

Well, it will be possible after I renovate a little bit. Especially the leaking roof. Can't believe the last owner just let a good home rotted like that. Such a waste.

Shane is making budgets in his mind during washing dirty plates and cooking utensils.

The land certificate would be placed in the bank for save keeping. Never put important document at home. Anything could happened.

He leaves the apartment afterwards.

His sister asks, "Mom, bro changed too much, didn't he? He worked harder than ever. Bought a house. He used to slack off at home most of the times."

"Silly girl. He must have fallen in love deeply. When a man fell in love, he would plan the future ahead. Getting a proper job. Finding good home."

His mom looks a bit melancholy when she adds, "Ma boy has grown up. Ready to spread his wings and leave home. Time sure flies fast. I'm old and wrinkled lady."

"Mom, you are still the best."

"Thanks. Don't try to steal my roasted duck while giving me compliments. You already ate a lot."

They eat their delicious meal.

Shane has really changed. He even knows how to cook tasty meals. Spoiling them with delicious foods.

Suzie and her mom laugh while washing dirty plates. She's going to college three months from now.

Her mom knows kids would grow up one day. She would be lonely at home. Staring at empty nest.

Their mom secretly decides to go hunting for part time job. She is going to help Shane pays the land tax.

Their father isn't very reliable for supporting their bills. He even grumbled when he had to pay for their education fees.

He wasted all his money on his new family. Completely neglected the old ones. Typical divorced man.

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