19. Guardian

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"Don't be too nervous. My mom won't eat you up for breakfast," says Shane in joking tone.

Chad asks while straightening his brand shirt, "It's our first meeting. How do I look?"

"If you keep brushing your hair like that, you could get bald. It's almost time. You don't want to be late."

"We are late! Why don't you remind me?"

"You took your bath too long, that's why," replies Shane while rolling his eyes.

They take a taxi because they are already late for the first meeting. Chad is dead nervous. His face is a bit pale. In the last life, he never got a chance to meet Shane's mom.

Shane warns, "Our apartment is a bit shabby. My cheapskate old man won't rent a better one for us."

"We have a home. Why don't let your family move in with us?"

"Mom doesn't want it. She has many friends in the neighborhood. She wants Dad to keep paying for our expenses."

From Shane's description, Chad got a feeling that his mom is Amazon type lady. He is surprised to see the real woman is petite fellow with warm smile.

It seems Shane inherited the smile from her.

"Welcome. Oh, you are good looking guy. Our Shane is lucky," says her.

Chad bows his body and introduces, "Good morning, Ma'am. I'm Chad. Nice to meet you."

Suzie is standing behind her mom. She glances at Chad's expensive clothes. She pulls her brother further from Chad and their mom.

She asks softly, "He is a rich kid. Did he know you are a poor pauper?"

"He knows it."

"Brother, rich kid won't stand suffering. You better think twice. His parents won't agree with his choice."

"Suzie, we love each others. Just give your blessing, okay?"

"His parents..."

"Chad fought with them and moved out of his home. For me."

Suzie is silent. It seems his boyfriend really loves her brother, Shane.

She finally smiles and joins the conversation. She asks many questions like a female reporter. Chad answers them all.

Well, except one.

How many times they roll in bed in a week?

The answer won't leave his mouth.

Chad and Shane stay in the house for three hours before leaving. They have to go somewhere else.

Chad wants to visit his granny's grave today.

Shane looks around. The same cemetery where Chad got buried in the last life.

Chad is praying to his granny. Telling her that he got a decent boyfriend. They will get married next year.

Shane hugs him from behind. He is thankful he got a second chance with Chad in this life.

A kiss to his nape makes Chad shivers a little. Neck is his sensitive part.

Shane releases him when he notices something. He walks to a large tortoise statue. This one looks better than the one in his last world. At least it's intact.

Chad stands next to him.

He explains, "You found the guardian deity for this mountain. People used to worship it when I was a little boy."

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