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Me and the girl's plus lani were sat in my movie room while we watched the kids play. "Why are we doing this again?" Perrie asked as she French braided Elisa's hair. "Well considering our husband's tend to fuss about how they never have time together, they dumped the kids with us while they went out" Lani said. "They better not come back drunk, Alex and Andre have to leave early in the morning and they're gonna have a terrible hangover then get a mouthful from Klopp" I said.

I was feeding Toby while Jade was feeding Chloe. Perrie was doing Elisa's hair while Rhea, Elisa and Niyah watched Princess and the frog. "Momma, why couldn't I be named after her?" Rhea asked, pointing to the Disney princess Tiana on the screen. "Well that was an option. But you ended up being Named Rhea. But don't you like your name babe?" I asked her. She nodded, "I'm kind of named after Rihanna!" She jumped. I nodded and chuckled. "When do we go to the studio again?" Jesy asked. "Um, next week. Did you decided what to do with your song Leigh?" Jade asked me. I burped Toby and left him to rest on my shoulder, "No. I don't know girls. You know how Simon gets when we makes songs that are too feminist like. He already gives Jade a mouthful when she writes songs like that. I just don't want to hear him tell me to scrap a song that I poured everything into" I sighed.

"Babe, don't think like that. It's not a secret that he doesn't like us but he know's we make good music which is obviously good for him. He'll be stupid not to let us put it on the album" Perrie said. Me and the girl's came to the conclusion a few days ago that we missed performing and seeing fans everyday so were slowly starting to get back to our old little mix selves. We were currently writing our fifth studio album which would be put out in the next few months. (Since lm5 and glory days are my favorite albums atm, this will be based around the lm5 era and near the end into confetti :))

Lani turned to me, "did you guys decide about what you are going to do when they bring up tour?" She asked. "We don't know honestly. I mean I don't mind going on tour but I don't want to drop the girl's on Andre for a full four months" I said. Like I said, i would love a tour but Andre still has football and the girl's hold a lot of attention. It's going to be hard being separated from them for that long.

We all continued to talk for a while until everyone went home.

I picked up a half asleep Rhea and took her up to her room and laid her in her bed. I kissed her head and tucked her in then went to Chloe's room. I was way too exhausted to give her a bath so I made a mental not to bathe her in the morning before I take her and Rhea to rehearsals with me tomorrow morning. When I had her diaper changed, I settled her inside of her crib then left out to go down to the living room to wait for my husband's arival.

I sat and continued to watch lion king since that was what we were watching before the kids all clocked out for the night.

I heard the front door click, signaling that someone was coming in. I guessed it was Andre since I wasn't expecting nobody else. I kept my gaze on the television so that he could think I didn't notice his arrival. Two minutes later, I felt lips on my neck.

"I know you heard me come in. Don't try and watch tv now" he said and continued to pepper kisses on my neck. I tried hard to not crack a smile but failed miserably. I turned my head so that I could peck his lips. I smelled his scent, "how much did you drink?" I asked when he sat down next to me. "Not a lot, I was the only sober one. Alex and Sean were a little tipsy but both Jordan's were hammered" he chuckled. He rested his head in my lap as I ran my hands through his hair. This felt kind of nostalgic as this was the position we were in when I was pregnant with Rhea, now I'm not pregnant but we were back in this position.

"I'm happy you didn't drink too much" I said in a soft tone. I took my hand and kissed my knuckles, "I have three princesses to take care of. And I don't want to get verbally killed by Klopp tomorrow" he said. We continued to talk a little while longer about our day.

I decided to wait to bring up tour day.

Hi babe's! In my honest opinion, this is shit and I feel like I could have done better but I haven't been feeling myself these past few days hint to the reason why I'm slowly updating. I'll be back to updating regularly soon. Love you <3.

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