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"I am officially divorced" Jade said as she came inside of the room. She seemed to be more happy and she's only just found she was pregnant and already has her pregnancy glow. She still didn't schedule an exact time that she was going to have a doctor appointment because she kept putting it off. Her abs started to disappear but her stomach was still flat.

"Aww divorced and prego. When is the new house coming into order?" Perrie asked as she sat next to us. "I go tomorrow before the meeting" she said, taking a sip of her water. "And the doctor's appointment?" Jesy asked her, sending her the Jesy nelson look. Jade kept quiet. "Jade, you need to schedule an appointment so you can see if the baby is healthy. Stop putting it off and do it" Perrie told her sternly. She sighed and looked at me.

"I'll schedule one for her. Don't stress her out about it girl's" I said and got up to make her an appointment. When I was done, I came back and gave them a nod. "Your have one Schedule for the day after tomorrow. I'll come with you. Ok?" I told her and she nodded. "I can't wait until you actually start to show. Little baby's gonna be so pretty" I said. Everyone made sounds of agreement.

"So your definitely keeping it?" Jesy asked Jade. She nodded, "that night when we got back to Leigh's from finding out, Rhea overheard us talking about it and wanted to talk to the baby. I never felt my heart warm up like that in a long time. I'm definitely keeping he or she now" she said and smiled. "Aw, she made her Rhea promise to protecting the baby like she did with all the other kids?" Perrie asked and we nodded.

"Leigh, you truly brought a sweet soul into this world" jesy said. I nodded and thanked her. After that, we all left and made our way to our cars so that we could go to our houses since we were off after our studio session. Jade wasn't coming with me since she decided to ride over to her Mum's for a few. I drove to my house with the music playing on low. I wasn't stressed or anything so there was no reason for me to play my music loud.

When I got home, I parked my car in the driveway next to Andre's car. I got out and made my way into the house where I was tackled by Kyro and harvey at the door. I chuckled and patted there heads and made my way into the livingroom where I heard laughing and talking. When I entered, I saw Andre sitting there with Tom, Lisa, Lani, Jordan and Niyah with Chloe in his lap and Rhea in Lani's.

When Rhea spotted me, she Jumped for her spot and ran for me. "Momma!" She said and Jumped in my arms. "Hi baby" I said and picked her up, kissing her face. I walked with her in my arms and sat next to Andre and greeted everyone else. He kissed my head and swapped children handing me Chloe and him taking Rhea. "Auntie leigh-leigh" Niyah said, coming over to me. I gave her a side hug, "hi bug. How are you?" I asked her. "I'm good" she said and climbed on Andre so that she could sit with Rhea.

I got up with Chloe and went into the kitchen to feed her a small snack before a bathed her and pit her to bed. I went into the fridge and got some fruit. I sat her in her highchair and put the small bowl infront of her. As she was eating, I heard a voice from behind me. "I think she has more fruit on her face then what she ate" Lani said with a small chuckle. I looked back, "she always does" I said and got her bowl and put it in the sink since it was empty.

Lani offered to wiped her face while I washed her dish. When I was done and Chloe's station was clean with the help of Lani, I excused myself upstairs so that I could wash up Chloe and put her to bed.

When I walked upstairs with Chloe, i could see it in her eyes that she was fighting sleep. I kissed her head as she rested her head on my shoulder. I went into the bathroom and put her mini tub inside. she was already eight months but I didn't feel comfortable putting her in the tub. When the tub was filled I lowered her into the water. The warm water must have woken her from her tired state because when she got in, she instantly perked up. I chuckled at her now grinning state.

When i was done washing her, I wrapped her up in a soft towel and took her to her room. I put her diaper on and dressed her in a top but kept her in legs out. I gently rocked her in my arms and sung a small melody. When I was sure she was a sleep, I laid her in her bed and walked back to mine since I was drained and tired.

I got into bed and fell asleep directly when my head hit the pillow.

Hi babe's! I may be double updating since I feel nice. 🙃 also, my new book "half bred of Olympics" will be out soon so keep a lookout for the announcement when I make it. Enjoy this!

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