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When we went inside, it was smashed glass all on the ground, things were ripped to peices everything. I slowly walked around, being aware of the glass shards to see if I could find any signs that my bestfriend was okay. "Jadey?" I called out. I then heard faint little whimpers coming from upstairs. I looked at the girl's who were looking back at me with questioning eyes. I went up with them following behind me.

I walked closer to where I heard the noise and picked up the pace a bit when the sounds started to get louder. I pushed the bedroom door open to see Jade with her head in her hands, sitting on the edge of the bed and sniffling every now and again. Me and the girl's surrounded her and rubbed her arm softly.

After a few more minutes, after her sobs stopped, Perrie spoke. "Baby, what happened?" She asked her softly. She didn't respond, instead she snuggled more into our embrace as we all hugged her from different directions. "Where's Jordan?" Jesy asked her. I felt her body tense when Jordan's name rolled off of Jesy's tongue and I think the other's felt it too.

"Was Jordan the one that broke the things downstairs?" I asked her and felt her nod a bit. I saw her wrists and the back of her arms for first time tonight and gasped. The marks and bruises made me hold her tighter as I hugged her. "He did this too?" I whispered to her, brushing my thumb across the bruised and bruise-becoming areas. The girls heard and looked at her. She flinched but nodded. "Oh jade" I sighed and rested my chin on her head as she cried once again.

"How long?" Jesy asked after a moment of silence. Jade shook her head rapidly. "Please Jade" perrie pleaded, lacing there hands together. Jade sighed, "em, about a y-year or so" she said in a highly whispered voice, almost making it impossible for us to hear her but considering how close we were, we heard every word. Me and Jesy jumped up, "a year!? Why didn't you tell us?" Jesy asked her in a part angry, part soft tone. "You guy's have kids to worry about. Plus he promised me that h-he was going to stop" She said.

I could see anger build up in Jesy as she heard this information. I laid my hand on her shoulder to calm her down. Which she did but I can tell her back-in-her-twenties Jesy was having a full out fistfight with Mommy Jesy. I can see it in her eyes that she went with mommy Jesy with much resistance and sat next to Jade.

"Baby, this is something serious that you shouldn't have dealt with at all. You should have told someone when he first started, let alone deal with it for a whole year" Jesy told her. She nodded but I don't think she listened. "What happened exactly?" Perrie asked. She looked down and started to play with her fingers. She then took a deep breath and started to explain.

"Well, around five am yesterday morning, I was getting up to get ready. Jordan wasn't here but I didn't really think about it since I though he went for his run like he usually did. And, um around eight, I heard sounds from downstairs so I went to check. When I went down, Jordan was em stumbling into the house with  a liquor bottle. I came down and tried to help him but he turned really agressive. Like more then the others. He started grabbing me and hit me really hard in my leg with the bottle. He started to yell things at me then dragged me up here. I kinda blacked out after that so I don't know if he did anything else" she finished, her voice breaking as she spoke." I-im sorry I kept this from you guys for so long" she said. "Don't apologize Jade, it's ok" Perrie told her and squeezed her hand a bit. I ran my hands through her hair, "where is he now babe?" Jesy asked. She sniffled, "America I think. He came back yesterday night after he left and got his stuff." She said.

"Jade, I don't think it's safe to be here right now. Ok? How about you get your stuff and you can live with me and the girls for a while until we can get everything situated" I told her. "You sure? I don't want to invade on you and your family" Jade said. I nodded, "I promise babe. You get your things while we will wait downstairs" I told her as we all stood to walk out. She nodded and we left her to get her things.

Me and the girls went downstairs in silence.

"What are we going to do?" Perrie asked after we sat in total silence.

"I don't know, but first things first, get her ready to file for divorce and if she's up to it, get the police involved" I said, anger clearly laced in my voice.

They nodded in agreement, "he's never seeing her" Jesy said.

Hi babes! Double update cos why not. Pls don't hate me for making Jordan do what he did. I just wanted drama 🥺. Enjoy this!

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