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Happy Easter Sunday 🙃*


When Jade was done and had her stuff packed, Perrie informed me that my family had already went home so she insisted on driving us home. Jade sat in the back, silent the whole ride. We didn't bother to talk to her since it would be no use. I had already told Andre that Jade would be staying for a while and her whole Jordan problem so he probably got the spare room ready for her arrival.

When we got to mine, we bid Perrie bye and entered the house. Andre met us at the door and took her things. He came over a bent down to my height, "I'm gonna sleep in the spare room. I think she would love your company instead of being alone" he said. I nodded and thanked him. I led Jade to our room and told her to get situated while I tucked Rhea and Chloe in.

I decided to tell Rhea that Jade was here so she wouldn't be suprised in the morning.

When I entered her room, she was up talking to Andre. When she spotted me, she reached out for me. "Mama" she said softly when I came to her side of the bed. Andre kissed her head and left the room so we could talk. "Hi baby" I said softly. "Where did you go earlier? Daddy said you and auntie pez had to go somewhere" she asked me. "Mama had to go and get auntie jeed. She's going to be staying with us for a bit" I told her. "Where's uncle Jordan?" She asked, cringing when she called Jordan her uncle. "He's not here. He might not be here for a very long time" I told her. "Did he make auntie Jeed cry again?" She asked. I nodded, "a little ri-ri but she'll be ok since she sleeping with mommy for a bit" I told her. "Can I go give her a cuddle?" She asked in her little voice. "I don't know little monkey, auntie jeed may be too hurt for a cuddle right now. How about in the morning?" I asked her and she nodded. "Get some sleep Rhea, I love you monkey" I told her, kissing her head. "Goodnight mommy. I love you too" she said and got into her covers and closed her eyes.

I exited her room and made my way down hall a little to Chloe's nursery. She was already asleep, laying peacefully. I kissed her head and left back to my room. Jade was sitting there, looking at the bruised areas on her arms.

"Jade, you ok?" I asked her, making her avert her attention to me. She nodded slightly, not saying anything verbally. "Do you wanna take a shower? You can wear my minnie mouse top" I told her, hoping it would bring some kind of smile to her face. She nodded once again. I can see that she was fighting the tears that was daring to fall from her eyes. I went and sat next to her and softly pulled her into my embrace. She started to silently cry and shake in my arms. "Let out Jade, everything will be fine" I told her.

When her crying stopped, I spoke to her. "Babe, do you wanna talk about it?" I asked her, hoping that talking about it would bring her some kind of peace for tonight so she could sleep. She sniffled but nonetheless shook her head. I sighed and nodded. I got up and got her my minnie mouse shirt and got her other necessities that she would need for her shower and took it to the bathroom while she was in there.

I went back into my room and laid down. She looks so....broken. I didn't know what the hell led Jordan to physically do shit to her for over a year but whatever it was, really made Jade seem different. I mean, jade did hide all of this for a full year and then some. They've been married for three years and everything. I thought they were in love. We all did. I guess we all can't base people's relationships over what they do publicly.

When Jade came back into the room, she threw her dirty clothes into the bin and immediately settled into the bed and cuddled into me.

"Thank you leigh" she told after we sat in silence. "No problem Jadey. Now sleep" I told her and shut the lights out.

Hi babes! First, congratulations to Leigh's older sister sairah since she pregnant with Leigh's fourth nephew 🥺. Second, I'm on back with constant updating. for right now lmfao 💀. Enjoy this!

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