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Positive. "I'm pregnant" Jade said and sat on the couch, letting her tears fall freely. "I-I can't be pregnant. I can't do this alone. What am I going to do?" Jade rambled. "Jade, whatever you choose to do is up to you. If you keep it, we'll be right behind you the whole way" Perrie reassured her. She sighed and nodded. "How about we watch movies for a bit? Just to calm your stress" Jesy told her. She sighed and nodded. We all cuddled around her and put a movie in.

About thirty minutes into the movie, I heard Jade quietly crying. I paused the movie and turned to Jade. Jesy and Perrie followed behind me and did the same. "Babe, why the tears?" Jesy asked her, using her thumb to wipe her fallen tears. "He did it on purpose" she muttered. "What do you mean?" Perrie asked her. "One of the things we were arguing about was having kids. He continuously tried to pressure me when I told him I didn't think I was ready." She said. We stayed silent, not knowing what to tell her. "That day at the playground, when I saw Chloe and her little smile, it made all those arguments come back in floods" she said and sniffled again.

I rubbed her back and kissed her head. "It's ok bubba. Your little baby will be amazing" I told her. She nodded and wiped her eyes, "thank you girl's. I don't know what I would do without you three" she said. "Who knows" perrie said and we laughed. When it was almost 8, me and Jade got our stuff and left since I had to get back to my family. She got in my car and we drove off.

"Do you want me to schedule a doctor's appointment soon?" I asked her when I was at a red light. "Yeah, thanks Leigh- Leigh" she said and gave me a smile. I could that it was a genuine smile so I sent one back. "No problem Jadey" I told her. We finished our drive in silence. The only sound that could be heard was the sounds of rain repeatedly hitting the car. When we got to the house, I got out with Jade following behind.

When we got in the house, I took of my soaked coat and threw it in the bin. Jade put her parka in there too and followed me into the kitchen. I saw a bag of food and a note. Jade sat at the island while I read the note quietly out loud since I suspected the kids were sleep.

Dear wifey and little sis,
Me and the girl's had already got in late and brought nandos. I didn't pick out the food for you two but Rhea did so enjoy !



I chuckled and showed Jade the note who chuckled also. I took out the bins of food and opened them both. One was nachos and the other was Lasagna. I smiled at my daughter's choice. She knew us well. "My little Ri-Ri knows me well" Jade said as she warmed up her food. I nodded, "she's better than Jesy and she didn't even cook it" I said and warmed up my stuff too.

We both sat infront of the television and ate. I still saw Jade only taking a few bites of her food. When she was about to sit it down, I stopped her. "Jade, you have to eat more. The baby needs the nutrients" I told her. She was about to say something until we heard a little voice. "What baby mama?" Rhea asked. I looked back to see Rhea standing at the end of the stairs, rubbing her eyes.

"Who has a baby auntie jeed?" Rhea asked once she came over to us. Jade bit her lower lip but nonetheless answered. She picked up Rhea and sat her on her lap. "I have a baby Rhea, right in here" she told her, pointing to her stomach. "You have a baby in there?" She asked, looking at me and I nodded. She looked up at Jade with Questioning eyes, "can I talk to them auntie Jeed?" She asked. Jade nodded.

She bent down a bit until her face met Jade's still flat stomach. "Hi baby, I'm your big cousin Rhea but you can call me Ri-Ri. I can't wait when you get here. I'm gonna protect you until you get all big and strong but until then, I will and probably Elisa" she said and yawned. "Ok, I'm getting tired. I'll talk to you later!" She said and kissed Jade's stomach.

When she came back up, me and Jade were nearly in tears. Rhea was the same way when I was pregnant with Chloe. She always had a warm heart. She was like that to Perrie and Jesy too. She yawned again and rested her heard on Jade's shoulder. "Auntie Jeed, can I sleep with you?" She asked her with her eyes closed. "Of course baba, you don't even have to ask" Jade said and kissed her head. She lifted Rhea up and turned to me. She mouthed me a 'night Leigh' and walked upstairs.

I straightened up downstairs with a smile on my face. My daughter was a sweetheart.

Hi babe's! Ty guys sm for having this book alr hit 1k in just a short amount of time.  I also have a new book called "half bred of Olympics" coming out on Thursday since you guys got "I love you" to 5k+ reads in less than a day 🥺. Enjoy this!

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