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Early, early next morning*


I was awoken up by the sounds of hurling from the bathroom. I checked the time to see it was nearing three. I felt around on my side of the bed to feel for Leigh but unfortunately she wasn't there. I then heard whimpers. I lazily gotten out of bed to the source of the noises. I went into the bathroom to see Rhea whimpering in Leigh's chest while Leigh stroked her head and kissed her forehead.

I sat on the floor next to them, "what's wrong?" I asked Leigh. "She has a stomach bug and a fever. I tried to go down and get her some water and medicine but everytime I try to go, she throws up again" she sighed. I nodded and kissed Rhea's head. I then went downstairs and got a cup of water and kid medicine then made my way back up to the bathroom.

I gave them to Rhea which she slowly drunk since her throat was still sore. When she was done, she settled into my chest. "How about you head to bed and I'll stay up with her" I told Leigh-Anne as she was forcing herself to keep her eyes open. She was about to protest but I stopped her, "you have to be at the studio in the next four hours. Get some rest while you can" I told her. She left with much resistance and went to bed.

When she left, I lifted Rhea and took her to her room where I grabbed her blanket and favorite bear that Jordan gave to her. I then went to me and Leigh's room where Leigh was already sleep. I took two hoodies and got myself a pillow and went down into the livingroom. I went into the closet and got a bucket just incase she need it and sat it right next to us. I put a movie on and sat down and pulled Rhea onto my lap.

I put her in one of the hoodies I brought down and tucked her teddy under her while she snuggled into me. I hated seeing any of my girl's sick. I'm suprised Chloe didn't wake up. I held My baby in my arms while she slightly whimpered and watched the movie.

"How you feeling princess?" I asked her softly. She shifted a bit, "I'm cold daddy and my stomach hurts" she said. I looked at the time to see it was nearing 4:30. I had to wait atleast three more hours before I could give her any more medication. "Just try and rest baby. If you feel any worse when you wake, daddy will take you to the doctor's" I told her. She nodded and laid back down. I laid the covers on the both of us while we watched the movie.

That morning*

I was woken by someone tapping my face. When I opend my eyes, I saw that it was Leigh-Anne. When I tried to sit up, I felt a lighter body on mine. I looked down to see Rhea fast asleep. I looked back up at Leigh-Anne who was holding Chloe.

"Her temperatures went down a bit" she said as she bounced Chloe. I got up and took Rhea off me and softly laid her back down. I took Chloe from Leigh and went to the kitchen with her tailing me. "I'm going to be heading out in a few. Are you sure you can watch the girl's on your own?" She asked, leaning on the Island. I nodded, "it's not like I haven't watched both of them on my own before" I chuckled as Chloe gripped my hair. "Yeah but it's gonna be twice as hard with a sick Ri-Ri and baby cee-cee" she said. I scoffed at her, "I'll be fine" I said.

She walked out and a minute later came back with Rhea in her arms. She had her head in Leigh's neck while she clutched her bear. I made a plate of toast for Rhea and a bowl of yogurt for Chloe. Leigh sat with Rhea in her lap and I slid the plate to her. "C'mon babe, you have to eat something. You haven't eaten in a while. It might help" Leigh encouraged her. She shook her head. I sighed and changed kids with Leigh-Anne. "If you eat half of this, I'll let you run with harvey till your heart gives once you get better" I told her. She lifted her head up and looked at me, "really?" She asked. I nodded and tilted my head to the plate.

She slowly but surely took little bites of her toast. When she was sure that she had eaten and pushed the rest away. We all talked while leigh fed Chloe. When it was time to for her to go, she bidded us all bye then left me to watch the kids.

I played around with the kids while when Rhea finally convinced me that she was A-okay, I let her run out back with Harvey like I promised while Chloe babbled nonsense to me. I usually try to spend much time with my daughter's as much as I could since I would be close to premier league. Even though I loved football, i love watching my daughter's grow up even more.

Hi babes! I'm not back fully but just wanted to give you guy's something. I'm starting to hate my writing. This book and dangerous specifically because I feel like I can do better but never have the time. I was going to update during my week of no school but I don't know anymore 😭 I'll be back soon....hopefully. Enjoy this!

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